(And why is the woman grinning madly? Why it's because she's trying not to vomit while holding massive amounts of barium in her mouth of course!)
Don't throw up or you'll have to do it all over again!
I also got to have this lidocaine nozzle shoved up my nose before a camera tube followed. Who knew they look at your throat through your nose? Now I sure do! (Kidding, he didn't "shove". He was very gentle and I'm being dramatic because I can.)
This was the petite nozzle that went up my nose.
Only about 4 inches.
TAH DAH! My voice box and surrounding muscles.
See the resemblance?
The tests all went well and they found some interesting things. Myopathy that affects my voice and muscles in the back of my throat that tire just like the ones in the rest of my body. They want me to see a speech therapist to get trained in some lung exercises to help protect me from pneumonia. I asked if I could just blow bubbles and pinwheels instead and the dude didn't even crack a smile. Doctors are just too serious sometimes!
So here's medically where I'm at:
- Referral for EMST (fancy for lung stuff) through a speech therapist
- Occupational therapy for my tweaked shoulder
- Occupational therapy to maintain muscle strength (even though strength isn't my issue, it's stamina)
- March 11th is my neurologist consultation for Botox for migraines (not the actual procedure. Hold your horses Ms. rushy rush! You have to be consulted first!)
- March 19th is when my wheelchair will finally get picked up for the modifications I've been trying to get since October (a higher headrest and knee abductors)
- March 22nd I check back in with my primary care doctor about everything
- Working on getting a nebulizer for home after needing urgent care and the hospital last year for breathing issues (mostly after travel)
- My teeth are clean, but I need a few procedures, so that continues in April
- I'm enjoying the new show Lego Master with my honey
- My mom and I have a blast at our weekly Trader Joe's run
- I try and take Sweetie out every day, even if it's just around the block
- Daily I sit on my shower stool and pretend to be a mermaid while in the shower
- My husband and I are going to a Capitola beach house with friends in early April for the weekend
- My mom is taking myself and my son to Monterey during his spring break (one of our most favorite places in the world!)
- I just planted a little herb garden by my door
- The nature here is already springtime beautiful! I try and get out in it as often as possible
- I painted my toes rainbow and they make me incredibly happy