Thursday, February 13, 2020

Neurologist to the Rescue!

Making funny faces while I still can.
Till I gave myself a headache.

Today was my three month check in with my new neurologist. This time I came armed with the three topics I wanted to cover.

  1. Dizziness
  2. Headaches
  3. Massive Exhaustion Daily 12-3PM
After doing research I'd come around and agreed that the migraine symptoms I was experiencing for the last seven months or so were likely being caused by neuromas from my brain surgery. Nerves that get trapped in scar tissue and cause pain. Both the ENT and my neurologist said "Yes, they are migraines. That's why you're dizzy". Got it. Now we're all on the same page. NOT caused my my Metabolic Myopathy at all. 

The appointment went well and we have a new plan of attack. We're going to try Botox to see if we can get the muscles to relax and the nerves to stop sending pain signals. My neurologist said that's important to do as fast as we can because otherwise the body "learns the pain and it won't stop". (((GULP!)))

So onto insurance who must approve this treatment (because this is America and insurance companies know better than doctors here), then onto another neurologist who does the injections. Then I have to wait to see if it worked or not. I was told it might not work the first few times and each time I have to wait three months. Soooo... (breaking out the calculator) IF my insurance company approves it ASAP it could still be at least another month before I even get to try it and up to six months for it to work at all. IF it does work. 

My version of "fast" and medical "fast" are two VERY VERY different things. I really must keep that in mind. 

As far as non medical interventions, he approved the use of my home Tens Machine on my head (despite my husband's fear that I would fry my brain with the titanium plates in my head a la' Frankenstein's Monster). I also have this beautiful new cold pack cap to try out (I think I saw it on Project Runway?) And something called Sea Bands.

The Sea Bands are a recent addition to my arsenal and have been shockingly helpful with my dizziness. I read a review by a woman with migraine induced vertigo who swore by them, remembered we owned a pair, tried them out and WOW! Well... half a day later... WOW! They are really helping me.

As far as the exhaustion that happens daily, the neurologist said that it could be explained by something called a "Migraine let down effect". The symptoms he described were very much what I go through every day around 12-3PM. Exhaustion, blurred vision, mental fog, weakened muscles. He even used the analogy I use "It feels like you ran a marathon". He suspects that taking care of the migraine might also (hopefully) eliminate this daily ritual as well. 

I'm feeling good with where my neurologist and I left off. I really like him a lot. I think he's my sixth? I'm glad I didn't give up and my PCP encouraged me to go back to the neurology clinic

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