Wednesday, February 26, 2020

How I've Changed

Humans are bags of squishy bacteria and water. We're sensitive and vulnerable. It's amazing we live as long as we do given our ability to succumb to the slightest virus, infection or change to our bodies. And we do change. All the time.

My body has been through a lot in its 47 years. Car accidents, a pregnancy, multiple surgeries, TBbrain surgery and a genetic mutation. Without modern medicine I would have died a hundred times over by now. But not only am I still here, my serious health issues have changed me... for the better.

I believe I am a much better person now than I was before I had Latent Tuberculosis or my brain tumor. I am far more patient. I let little things go very quickly. I have a lot more perspective and love for others. I'm way less shy and more outspoken. I am fast to let people know I love them (animals too). I smile a lot more. 
But why?

Because I know now what's most important. It's not being first in line or looking young and beautiful. What's most important to me now is that the people I love KNOW 100% that I love them. That I leave strangers feeling happier and in a better mood than before they interacted with me. That I make the world a little bit better just by being alive. By being here and a part of it. That's what matters most to me. Not superficial, shallow stuff.

Each day I'm grateful to still be here. I'm appreciative that I have my beautiful wheelchair and medicine to help me feel better. Doctors who try and help me live my best life and a family I'm devoted to.

I hope I'm here for years to come because I love my life.

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