Monday, February 3, 2020

Going All Natural

So my hair (and body hair) isn't the only thing that's going natural lately. I took stock of my beauty items and household items and want to make some changes there as well. Given my health challenges I think it might be helpful to try and go "as natural" as possible. 

(But not filterless. At least not ALL the time.)

For me that means avoiding things like added chemicals, scents and ingredients that I don't need and that could cause me to react in some way. It's insane the crap that is added into products, especially products for women. You can read more about it in this great article in The Guardian titled Pretty hurts: are chemicals in beauty products making us ill? 

I'll call this group "Level 1".  It's things I use that go directly on my body. Makeup, lotion, soap. Keeping away from dyes and sulfates. Your skin is your largest organ and what you put on it is very important. 

Level 1 - Skin, Body Care
I've tried to make my own natural skin care items through the years and I've learned it's much cheaper for me to buy from people who know what they're doing. My husband can attest to this. My "home made shampoo" fiasco of 2014 ended in $100 worth of shampoo. It was a mess.

I like to buy on Etsy when I find a good "maker" who doesn't use chemicals like the store brands. Reading labels is soooo important. As is not "drinking the girl koolaide". I swear that I go through this purge like twice a year. My husband must be so sick of it by now. I'm sure he thinks "Oh yeah! It's the annual 'Go Natural' time!" I'll start off great then something will catch my eye or FOMO will kick in and I'll slip down that glitter Maybelline slide. Well not this time because it's not worth risking my health.

This time I want to take it up a notch to...
Level 2 - House, Home Environment

I'm also not replacing anything till what we have is run out (I can hear my husband breathe a sigh of relief). And a few things I'm keeping in place till our son doesn't live with us anymore. Like the Clorox toilet cleaner.

But wait! There's more!

Level 3 - Healthcare & Diet
  • Sticking to a diet of fish, eggs, good oils and avocados as main sources of protein.
  • Cutting out processed, refined foods.
  • Researching my condition more (Metabolic Myopathy)
  • Being open to alternative options (what I eat, fitness, conditioning, supplements. Supplements have made a huge difference in my condition.)
  • Getting back in the water, even if it's just to float around. 

By opting out of the chemical filled culture not only am I helping myself, my family and my puppy. But I'm also supporting an industry whose values more mirror my own. Fair trade, recycling, small business, women owned companies, social justice, all are very important to me. Every dollar is a vote for the kind of world you want to live in. And because some of these things cost more I like to think I may even consume less.

And as far as my heath goes I am slowly learning that I am the professional, everyone else works for me to help me feel and be my best. That goes for me as a consumer as well as me the "patient". And it goes for you too!

(I received no incentives and I'm in no way affiliated with any of the links on this blog.) 

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