Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Daily Rhythm

After all of the holidays, my mom's birthday, my birthday, my son's birthday, I think I have something of a daily rhythm forming and it's really helpful.

I start my day off with a cup of coffee and a hand full of pills, like most Americans, but especially those with any kind of chronic illness/disability. 
Then I spend about 30minutes on some kind of household chore while I have the spoons. Laundry, dishes that kind of thing. After that I move into computer work. These days it's compiling my medical files for SSDI appeal of denial. 

Now I have all my relevant medical records on my hard drive and on my Google drive. There my mom and a family friend who is a PCP can both easily access my files and give me feedback if they notice something missing. AND if anything ever happens to my computer it's all backed up and organized. 

I have some other things in the work as far as SSDI goes, but it requires me leaving the house and is more complicated. It also requires more spoons. This is something I can do bit by bit every morning.

After that I eat something. Usually a banana, but sometimes avocado toast. Or sometimes it's actually lunch time and I have some kind of fish. I shower after I get my grub on.
When I emerge all soft and shiny fresh I usually switch gears and move onto something creative or go on a small errand or adventure with Sweetie and my Mom. Yesterday was rare in that I had the spoons for both. 

My Mom came over and while she was on an important phone call I made my FAVORITE dessert and something I was craving, rice krispy treats. Yes, it is hard for me to make, but it's a challenge I can still do. 

After her call we took my 13 year old "puppy" Sweetie out to our local Arboritum for a very short walk (Mom) roll (me). It was the first time Mom got to drive Pablo. She's in love.

After that the rest of my day is devoted to napping. Then my husband is home from work and the Man Cub is home from college. We all have dinner, watch a show and it's bed time. And no, I have no trouble taking a 2-3 hour nap and going to bed for the night soon after. Not. At. All. 

Not every day follows this flow 100%. Sometimes my Mom comes over in the morning and we spend the whole day together. Other times I don't see her at all and I do my own thing the whole day and maybe roll Sweetie on my own around my neighborhood. But a typical day is tending to follow this pattern and I love it.

Today I have my second cement person coming out. I hope it goes better than the first who totally flaked on me. I'm starting to feel a little more settled in my daily rhythms and even though I'm still struggling a lot with pain, fatigue, dizziness and other issues it does bring me a new feeling of calm that I welcome with open arms.

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