Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Homeostasis - The New "Normal"

The first two days at my new job went great. My employer saw me use my rollator "Meg" and gently asked if I "Had an accident, or if this is a long term need." I disclosed that I have an autoimmune disease and right now it's a tool that I need. He followed up by asking if there's any accommodations or modifications that I would need to better to do my job. I told him not that I knew of, but I'd let him know if something comes up. 

Fortunately my job is very "cerebral" and sedentary. So I honestly don't think my muscle weakness, muscle fatigue and joint pain will be an issue. And I meant it when I said I'd let him know if that changes. Speaking up for myself is a new skill that I've quickly mastered. 

Thumbs up and ready for work!

I have a large, beautiful office that is very comfortable as well as a full support staff to help me in my work. So far there are a few things I need to work around. Like my chair will need more back support, but I can bring pillows in to fix that. Luckily Meg fits in and out of my office and the doors are pretty easy to open. 

My new office

My job also required much less typing and paperwork than I had expected. My hands are pretty excited about that. The hours still concern me, but I love what I do and that helps. For now my schedule is Monday and Tuesday from 8AM to 6:30PM. A long day, but I can do it. Long term that will turn into Monday through Thursday the same hours. MUCH longer week, but again, I'm feeling confident.

I'm hoping that my new rheumatologist can come up with something that helps my muscle fatigue and weakness. I didn't use Meg once I was settled in at work and instead walked the long hall to my office and back. I won't do that again.

The Lyrica and Cymbalta are both proving to be hugely helpful. The Cymbalta definitely helped to stabilize my mood and both are helping with the neuropathy and back pain. I'm so grateful to finally be on something that's giving me some relief!

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