Monday, January 27, 2020

Why it's easier to just stay home

My husband and I went out to see friends last night. They're good friends, but friends we have a hobby in common with and see about once a month if we can. I had tried to save up my spoons and had a good nap. I dressed up nice and we took Pablo out with Dory so I felt all spooned and tooled up. 

Then a friend said something really stupid that just knocked the wind right out of me. My husband/ally was behind me talking so he didn't hear and couldn't step in. Drat! I was left hanging in the wind. The conversation went like this.

Friend: "Are you working now?"
Me: "No. I'm on disability".
Friend: "Oh, so you're home?"
Me: "Yup!"
Friend: "Can't you even work from home?"
Me: ... (wind knocked out)
Me: "Noooo... I'm disabled. I'm on disability. I'm home not working because I can't work."
... "silence"
Me: "So how are YOU doing?"

That's my technique. Whenever someone puts their foot in their mouth I just turn the conversation away from me completely and onto them.

During that same evening I also had a very drunk friend hang ALL over my chair and myself, smudge my glasses, gave many many hugs in which I was careful to turn my chair off so as to not run over anyone... in short it was nice to see my friends but it was a LOT of spoons.

I seriously understand why people just stay home. 

My sweet friends want to bring a lunch over soon and come over to my house. I promise myself not to clean or feel bad about my house not being "up to snuff" comparing it to how it used to be. I also will not let my husband run around cleaning and buying food to entertain them. We'll see if that's better. 

I know people don't mean to say hurtful things. And it does come from strangers too. All the time really. But that's what I mean when I say often times it's just easier to stay home. 

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