Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Stopping Topamax

It is important to remember that even the best, most caring doctor doesn't know the whole story. Doesn't see the whole picture. They (hopefully) do their best to care for you but at the end of the day you need to be the REAL specialist, advocate, researcher for yourself.

That said, Topamax was not for me. I tried 25mg for one month. My neurologist wanted me to give it two months and I said "no thank you". I understand why he wanted me to try it for longer, but the side effects were too much for me and the benefits not enough. 

And a little advice about being a wise consumer. ALWAYS read the FDA information vs the information from the manufacturers website. Always. Just skip their website completely actually unless you're looking for a coupon or rebate.

These are my symptoms that got worse on Topamax:
  • dizziness
  • dry mouth
  • "foggy headedness"
  • forgetfulness MUCH worse
  • reduced my libido even more
  • wiped out my appetite.

Well, that last one wasn't bad, but for some people it could be. I was also on the very lowest dose for the very shortest time.

Both my dizziness and the migraines I think are from my brain surgery. Even though it has been a little over a year, I think the nerves are just now growing back and I'm experiencing pain and dizziness. That's my theory and I think it's pretty solid.

So far what has helped me more than the Topamax has been...
  1. Taking Potassium pills at night with plenty of water. This helped with the dizziness a lot. My neurologist suggested it when I said the Topamax was making things worse.
  2. Taking more Magnesium than what I was already taking. Again, recommended by my neurologist.
  3. Taking the over the counter supplement called "MigreLief". Recommended by... yup. You've got it.

There's plenty of other non medicinal things I haven't tried yet. I have my first follow up on the 12th with my neurologist and I told him I'd like to discuss them.

My muscle weakness seems to have hit a homeostasis (for now... Thank GOD!) That feels nice. I'm still doing what I can but careful not to push it. My body and I feel like we're on friendly terms and that's magnificent. I think she's a lot happier now that I'm not shaving her down like a sheep in the spring every few days. Hahah!

So now onto trying new things after my two week slow reduction off Topamax. Never stop any drug all at once or without notifying your doctor.

(I received no incentives and I'm in no way affiliated with any of the links on this blog.) 

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