Being more healthy and able bodied has allowed me to do something I would have never dreamt of before. I have taken in a pregnant dog. We will help her whelp, raise her puppies till they can be adopted and will give them all love and attention.
Now that I'm healthier and gone more (mostly to the gym or doing a Target pickup order), we had decided to get a second miniature pinscher. We adore our Max and wanted to get him a sister. We talked it over during the holidays and decided March would be a good time to start looking. It seems fate had something else in mind.

I swear, if you think you have control over the future you are just fooling yourself. That's why living in the now is so vital.
It all started with my husband and I watching a TV show called "Too Cute." It had been in our cue for ages, but I wanted something sweet and relaxing. So I picked their puppy episode. Over the next thirty minutes we watched little puppies and big puppies from birth to about six months. It was a sweet show.
The very next day I got on Facebook to message my son from my computer. I saw the non-profit organization I got Max (pictured here sleeping on my legs) from post this...
I didn't think a lot about the pregnant Mama other than she was cute and looked a lot like Max. I've never been a foster and it wouldn't have occurred to me that it was even an option for us to take her. I replied to the post that we would be looking to adopt a female and maybe one of her puppies would be a good fit when they arrive. My husband and I were open to getting a (note the singular there) puppy.
What a sweet face!
The following day I got a phone call from the woman who heads their Nor Cal division. She had been the one who selected us to adopt Max. She was calling to see if we would be open to fostering little Mama through her pregnancy. All of the other foster homes were full and the new applicants weren't great. The shelter she was at (three hours from us) was also full and they needed her out ASAP. I told her we would have to think about it and get back to her.
She had some people for us to talk to who had fostered pregnant moms before. That was incredibly helpful to hear some first hand experiences and to be able to ask questions.
This was a massive decision. It would mean an incredible sacrifice of money, time and sleep. The organization would pay her vet bills, but we would be footing the rest. I'm not a girl to "make do" or do things half ass. If we were in, then we would be all in. We chose IN.
In an hour and a half we meet our "Margo." We discussed it and we will be keeping Mama and one pup. I will help her through her labor and delivery and raise her pups till they can be neutered/spayed, vaccinated and adopted. I will help screen potential families and place them. We are calling on all of our family and friends for help as well.
This is all thrilling and terrifying at the same time. Luckily we have an amazing vet to help us. She already has an appointment for tomorrow at 9am. A sure way to make her fall in love with me. Take her to the vet. ((gulp)) I'll be sure to bring loads of peanut butter.
A lovely volunteer picked Margo up this morning from the shelter and brought her to the woman's house who contacted me. She spent the day there having her picture taken endlessly (much to my gratitude) and is being delivered right to our eager arms.
I have everything ready for her. My fingers are crossed that we catch a break and she's potty trained. They don't know much about her as she was just found as a stray with no collar or microchipping. We're jumping into the pool blindfolded.
I'm hoping Max will be ok with this huge change. He came from a hoarding situation where there were 11 other dogs and 7 puppies. Wish us luck!
PS: I have since been told that "You are the most organized, efficient fosters I have ever worked with." I told her "That's me! I am organized and efficient. If I take on a task I'm all in."