Thursday, January 11, 2024

My Two Loves

For as long as I can remember (and that's quite a long time now) I've had two major loves in my life. Passions really.

1- Helping people


2- Art

I remember if there was ever someone in need or who looked "different" I would befriend and help them right away. I choose my best friend in the first grade not based on if we wanted to play the same game, but because she was so physically unattractive she was getting teased. Helping others is something I was just born to do.

A recent bowl of mine waiting to be fired.

I am also a born artist. My father was (maybe still is?) a visual artist and a musician. My mother is also very creative and has an eye for design. My grandfather said he had someone in the family who was also an artist. I love any medium I can get my hands on, but oil paints are my real passion.

I like photography because I always have my camera on me (my phone). Oil paints are both very expensive and very toxic. You have to use a lot of caution working with and around them. It was fantastic when I had a whole studio to work in. Doing it from home is trickier. Ceramics has been a joy. I never have any expectations for myself. I just do what I want and relish the process.

Having these loves you would think I would want to do art therapy with people? Not really. I like being "in the zone" and alone when I do my art (ceramics is the exception). Each requires my full attention. Mixing them feels strange.

So now that I have some strength and energy back, who get's that attention? What do I focus on? I feel pulled to reignite my love affair with painting. But I also want to get back to helping people more. Is there room for both in my future? Or will something else suffer.

I already feel like each day is bursting. Where do I squeeze in the time for my loves? That's a challenge most people have. The answer is to just make it a priority and do it. Just do it. 

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