- My family
- My puppies
- The support group I just started for women
- My beautiful house
- My many friends
- My lovely town
- Nature
- That I can walk a block without my chair still
- Art and cultural experiences still happening
- Good TV & movies
- My soft bed to rest on any time I need it (which is often)
- Pottery
Atypical Dandelion
An honest look at living my best disabled life.
Monday, March 10, 2025
Checking In With Myself
Monday, March 3, 2025
Just Doing My Best
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
It All Broke Loose
Uh Oh.
Day 2 went really good, but night the night time. At around 10PM I literally shit the bed. I had horrible diarrhea like I've never had before. Never in my life have I been unable to get to the toilet in time. I'm not sure if that speaks to my mito disease, or how bad it came on.
It lasted about 20hrs. I think it was because I was so scared of getting seriously constipated. I had put Metamucil in my protein drink, drank laxative tea twice a day and even took a stool softener. So now we know what happens when you make foolish choices like that. Nothing good. Nothing good happens my friend.
I was very lucky that my mom e-mailed me and reminded me about the large sanitary pads that she gave me years ago. I knew right where they where. They were a huge life saver! I don't know what I would have done without it. Maybe just camped out on the toilet for hours and hours. Ugh.
I seriously need to be more careful with what I put into my body especially.
Pun intended. That was shitty.
Monday, February 3, 2025
Zepbound Day 1
As I mentioned in a previous blog I'm trying out the new weight loss injection Zepbound. I did my first dose last night before bed. I had some minor nausea, but then I was quickly asleep.
I was warned by the doctor to be careful with how much fat and fiber I eat. Lots of fiber, very little fat.
Unfortunately my poor stressed out husband just got his labs back and they showed his blood sugars are back in the "diabetic" zone. So now is a very good time for both of us to change our ways.
For breakfast I made myself a protein shake. In it was...
1 cup of each:
Orange juice
Oat milk
Frozen mixed berries
1 small banana
2 scoops chocolate protein powder
1 scoop of each:
Raw coco powder
Ground flax
Lastly 1/2 a scoop of Collagen (It makes the shake slimy so I can't use much of it.)
It tastes like a chocolate covered strawberry to me. Not bad at all. Just a bit gritty.
That made 2 pints. I drank one and put the other in the fridge for tomorrow.
With this I'm having "Smooth Move" organic tea for constipation. Yes, herbal tea instead of coffee. I hope all this doesn't give me the opposite problem. Hahah.
I just got a new tattoo, so a lot of protein is important. Same with reducing my calories.
It's chicken salad for dinner. Wish me luck!
Saturday, January 25, 2025
How Lucky Am I?
It can be hard to remember how lucky I am right now, given the political world. But in many many ways my life has never been better. And since nothing lasts forever I really want to remember that.
I have my huge family around me.
I didn't always have a very good relationship with my mother. In fact we didn't talk for 15 years (my choice.) We have since reconciled and she lives right around the corner from me. I love it. I get to see her many times a week. We always have such fun together. Laughing, talking, just being together. I love her and am so grateful for all of the time we get to spend together.
My half sisters and I have found each other five months ago, and we now have a relationship. I have always wanted to be one of three sisters and now I am. Something I thought was previously completely impossible. I love them and I love their children. I am the "Auntie Nette" to four stunning boys and one fiery girl (who will take no shit from anyone. Especially not boys.)
I have a best friend who is kind and lovely. She adores animals, is a fierce feminist and warrior woman. She is also chronically ill, so she can relate to me on a different level than healthy people. We've only been friends for a few years but we are incredibly close. I know I could count on her for anything. That is rare.
My husband and I are very best friends. He cracks me up and makes me feel so special. So seen and heard. We have a very rare bond. I'm thankful we met so young so that we've been able to spend so much time together we're going on year 32 right now. My soul mate.
My son just called me his "confidant." That melted my heart. He also lives right around the corner. Something I'm incredibly grateful for. I appreciate our closeness and that he's as close to me as he can be to someone whose not his partner. I get to see him almost ever week. I love him very much.
My two dogs fill my world with sunshine and howls of laughter. Peels of laughter daily. They also fill my heart and my bed. Hahaha. I can't imagine my days or nights without them by my side. Often sandwiching me like the little pack that we are.
My life is bursting with love everywhere I look. Every nook and cranny full to the rafters with people and animals who love me and who I love back. This is the first time in my life I can remember feeling this way. I want to savor every moment of it and keep them all safe and with me as long as I can.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Weight Loss Tug of War
I had a doctor's appointment today. It was rare for me because it had nothing to do with my mitochondrial disease or migraines. I wanted to talk about weight loss.
- Cravings under control
- Feeling fuller with less food
- Fewer hunger pains when limiting food
- Past that "hump" of the 280's
- Help to kick start my weight loss
- Constipation
- My system already being slow now going slower
- More fatigue
- Other side effects
Although I'm not excited about another injectable, I am feeling optimistic. I'm going to journal a lot and try to keep an open mind. I hope this helps not just me, but my mom as well.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Assessment and Plan
I am one of the few lucky ones.
I had my mitochondrial disease diagnosed fairly fast. I was believed and not gas lit by either my primary care doctor, nor my neurologist. I quickly worked my way up the neurology ladder until I was seen by the Chief of Staff himself who was the one to recognize my symptoms and diagnose me, even before I had my muscle biopsy and genetic tests.
I also live in a place with world class health care. I am incredibly fortunate.
I have been seeing my "Muscular Neurologist" Dr. Lisa Williams at the UC Davis PM&R Clinic (Physical medicine and rehabilitation) for about six years now. At first she saw me every three months, now we check in every six months.
My favorite thing about her is that just like my handyman, she always has a plan. I come to her with a list of concerns and she comes up with a plan. I just saw her yesterday and this is my plan for 2025...
Assessment & Plan
Checking In With Myself
2025 Has been as difficult for me as 2020 emotionally. This time in 2020 the COVID pandemic was really serious. Things were shutting down an...
The first two days at my new job went great. My employer saw me use my rollator "Meg" and gently asked if I "Had an accident...
Knowing what doesn't work for me can often be just as useful as knowing what does. As my condition progresses I've been exploring an...
Sometimes I like to go back in my blog and see what was happening five years ago that month. In November 2018 I purchased my first wheelchai...