Tuesday, March 19, 2024


 One year ago...

  • I only had one dog
  • I loved all plants and gardening constantly
  • I wasn't that great at ceramics
  • I used a wheelchair
  • I had no energy
  • I slept a ton every single day

But in 2024
  • I'm for sure over gardening outside
  • I paired down my houseplant collection
  • I often go a whole day without a nap
  • I can do many many things in one day
  • I walk my TWO DOGS on my own two feet frequently
  • I'm getting better at ceramics
  • I'm enjoying my hobbies now that I have more energy

I still enjoy a garden. Just not really the "doing" part. This year I went with flowers vs food. I enjoy watching the nature. Our bees and butterflies are very happy.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

From Electric Wheelchair to Electric Bike!

Seven months ago I was an electric wheelchair user. Any time I left my home I relied on my chair to be my legs.

Now after selling Pablo I'm in the market for an electric bike.

We went down to being a 1.5 car family. The 0.5 is my mom's Jeep that I can borrow any time I want.

But I don't like relying on other people. Even my mom. I want to be independent. I also always loved bike riding. 

An electric bike is the perfect solution for me. I can use power assist for hills or full electric if I get too pooped (like on my way home from the gym.)

These bikes don't come cheap, so it's a big investment in myself.

At first I thought I wanted a three wheel bike for sure. But after looking in person I'm not as convinced. They're harder to pedal (because of the extra weight), harder to turn and take up much more space to store. There are also much fewer to test ride.

Cargo bike?

A three wheel model that has potential.

The benefits of having three wheels are the added stability. After brain surgery and a muscle disease that means a lot. If I do go two wheels I want them to be big and fat! (Like meeeeeee.)

My husband found this site where you can 100% customize your eBike.
The artist in me is really in love.

We will be going camping with friends for the first time ever soon after my road trip return. I may wait till after that to decide. A sportier model would be able to come with us on such adventure. A big three wheeler would have to stay at home. I'm not buying a truck to carry my bike.

It all comes down to how will I use it the most.
  • Tooling around town from the gym to the store
  • Carrying the dogs out to local parks and for rides
  • Camping and biking along oceans on adventures
I'm not totally positive yet.
Until I am I don't want to make such a big financial investment. In the meantime I'm having fun looking, learning and test riding.

honk honk! Move it cars!
A pricy cargo bike

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

A Disabled Car Trip

In a little over a week my mom, myself, Max and Margo will all pile into my mom's Jeep and embark on an eight hour trip to the small beach town my grandpa lives in. I'm very much looking forward to taking both dogs to the ocean and showing them new things. They are great travelers, so I don't think we'll have issues. In fact Max has done this exact trip before.

Max and I the last time we were there. 
This time NO CHAIR!!!

But the big question you might be wondering is what am I packing? And how is that different than what a typical person would bring on a road trip?

I'm so glad you asked.

  • Food. This is one of the big differences. I have to bring lots of protein with me and things I can eat. It's hard to eat while on the road and find healthy options. I'll bring the protein balls I like to make (almond or walnut butter - chocolate chips - rolled oats YUM!) Some gluten free crackers, dried fruit, sandwiches and chips. I have powdered vitamin and caffeine drinks that I can just pour into water bottles (to save on space.) I might bring a jar of almond butter with me just to keep in our hotel room. My mom already secured my favorite oat milk creamer for my coffee. 

  •  Drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. I'll need my two different inhalers, my filled pill box's, migraine medications, migraine ear plug (for altitude changes), anti nausea wrist bands and patch, tummy medication in case I eat late... I will have a big bag of drugs with me.

  • Braces. Many of my joins and muscles are still weak. Since I'm not sure exactly how we'll be helping out my papa I'll bring some braces just in case. Ankle, elbow, hands, knee, back. That should do it.

    Max loves the beach

These are all things that a typical person doesn't need to even consider when traveling. They can stop and eat anywhere without much of an ill affect. Maybe they'll bring some aspirin or Tums, but that's about it. Not a giant bag of drugs. They'll toss a pair of flip flops in their bag and not think about their joints or muscles much (if at all.) 

We're also going to make frequent stops to stretch, walk the dogs and take turns driving. That will keep all of us healthy on such a long drive. 

Wish us a Bon Voyage!

Don't forget Margo!

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

All In One Year


My mother and I went spring garden shopping at our favorite nursery yesterday. It wasn't till my cart was full to bursting that I realized "Hey! This is my first time walking here!" Later on that day she sent me pictures of the last five years we were there. 

The picture above is 2023 and just below that yesterday, 2024. What an incredible difference a year makes.

I wish I could go back in time and tell myself to "Just hold on. Help is coming. You'll be here walking next year." What a miracle this still is.

I have a lot of pain and get tired. I need to remember to eat BEFORE I do something strenuous or exercise, not only after. Alcohol doesn't really agree with me anymore. When I was a wheelchair user I had far fewer after effects of drinking. Isn't that odd? Now my body's like "Heyyyy, we have enough going on without also metabolizing this poison you just drank." Fair enough body. I hear you.

Eight months ago that chair was still my only way to interact in the world. I call 2PM to 6PM "Magic hour" because that was the time I would miss out on every day. Every thought was about my disability and how I could best live my life. What tools I would need to get me through. How to explain my needs to people and anticipate them myself. Being disabled is exhausting.

Today was so wonderful planting all of my beautiful flowers. I'm not growing food this year in my raised bed. Just flowers and some herbs. I brought my back brace outside but didn't need to use it. Which is a testament to how much stronger my back and torso are becoming.

My weight is up, but I'm trying not to focus so hard on that. I'll be back at the gym tomorrow morning. Driving past my beautiful garden. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

I'm Not That Person... Yet

In my dream life... 

I'm up with the sun at 6AM. I start the day with a protein smoothie (not a giant mug of coffee). I pull on my workout clothes, kiss my dogs and head to the gym. After an hour of yoga or swimming I come home, shower and dress for the day. It's now around 9AM. I take my puppies out for a walk or adventure in town. They come home pooped and we're all ready for some food. I have a healthy little cup of yogurt, blueberries and gluten free granola (or some hot oatmeal). 

It's now around 10:30. Time for some art! I work on a painting, or drawing, or just play around. Maybe I even have a pottery studio? I throw on my apron and do some sculpting. Or perhaps photography? Art till 12 my dear.

I break for a small lunch with my honey. Maybe a chicken salad? Light, healthy and filling. Protein to keep me going through the day. In this dream life I have no cravings and am satisfied with what I have. 

Look at everything I've accomplished and it's only 1PM!

Now I work from 1-3PM. Maybe it's writing a book, paperwork for my support groups, volunteer work or just reading a good book.

3-4 House time. I work on a house project, garden, meal prep, do laundry or clean something up. 

It's already 4PM and now it's time to walk the dogs again. After another adventure they're ready for their dinner. Lucky dogs. I play with them after dinner. 

5-6 I'm on my computer. Blogging, e-mailing friends, posting pictures of my art. Whatever I choose.

6 We start making dinner together while talking about our busy day. We're both tired, but happy.

7-9 TV while getting my feet rubbed and petting the dogs. I'm sandwiched between them loving life.

9 is bedtime. I'm exhausted after such a busy day.

Although this isn't my life yet, it's pretty close. I still rest most days in the middle of the day. Like 3-5PM if I do. I also tend to sleep in almost every morning. Some mornings I even sleep till 10AM. I can't tell you the last time I was up at 6AM.

I haven't been back to my gym in two weeks. Something I want to remedy. A long time to go without vigorous exercise or yoga. I'd like to be more consistent.

Life happens. Things get in the way. I want to learn to pivot better and stick with what really matters to me. Art, health and happiness.

Checking In With Myself

2025 Has been as difficult for me as 2020 emotionally. This time in 2020 the COVID pandemic was really serious. Things were shutting down an...