Wednesday, March 6, 2024

All In One Year


My mother and I went spring garden shopping at our favorite nursery yesterday. It wasn't till my cart was full to bursting that I realized "Hey! This is my first time walking here!" Later on that day she sent me pictures of the last five years we were there. 

The picture above is 2023 and just below that yesterday, 2024. What an incredible difference a year makes.

I wish I could go back in time and tell myself to "Just hold on. Help is coming. You'll be here walking next year." What a miracle this still is.

I have a lot of pain and get tired. I need to remember to eat BEFORE I do something strenuous or exercise, not only after. Alcohol doesn't really agree with me anymore. When I was a wheelchair user I had far fewer after effects of drinking. Isn't that odd? Now my body's like "Heyyyy, we have enough going on without also metabolizing this poison you just drank." Fair enough body. I hear you.

Eight months ago that chair was still my only way to interact in the world. I call 2PM to 6PM "Magic hour" because that was the time I would miss out on every day. Every thought was about my disability and how I could best live my life. What tools I would need to get me through. How to explain my needs to people and anticipate them myself. Being disabled is exhausting.

Today was so wonderful planting all of my beautiful flowers. I'm not growing food this year in my raised bed. Just flowers and some herbs. I brought my back brace outside but didn't need to use it. Which is a testament to how much stronger my back and torso are becoming.

My weight is up, but I'm trying not to focus so hard on that. I'll be back at the gym tomorrow morning. Driving past my beautiful garden. 

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