Friday, January 29, 2021

My Favorite Things

My wheelchair was just repaired (for the millionth time) and I enjoyed taking her out to the store on my own today. My independence is crucial for me, even though what that looks like changes over time. Dory and I had a wonderful time just zipping to the store and walking my dog. 

Most of my favorite activities are things I do independently. Tending to my house plants, shopping (online too!), photography and painting just to name a few. 

Plant keeping

My puppy

Taking pictures

Eating is a big hobby of mine and that's more fun with someone I love. I also adore chatting over a cup of coffee, especially in the morning. And my top favorite thing is watching a relaxing TV show or movie. Especially while getting foot rubs, or having a heating pad tucked behind my neck by someone I love. 

Monday, January 25, 2021

My Migraine

No... "Migraine" is much too small a word for what daemon has wrecked my life. The clinical term might be "migraine" but it's more like an evil possession.

Some of my current diagnosis

My muscle disease affects my body, but the migraines rob me of much more. Most days I feel like a shell... a ghost of my former self. It robs me of my memory, my attention, my eyes focusing, trusting what I'm seeing. It causes me stabbing pain, electric shocks, ear ringing, momentary hearing loss, throbbing pain, visual hallucinations and a general feeling of being really drunk or really high without ingesting anything.

Personally I think all of this is a side effect of my brain surgery on September 27th, 2018 (28 months ago). I read that nerve re-growth and associated issues can take around five years to heal. I would have proceeded with surgery anyway, but I wish someone would have gone over the side effects and talked to me about migraines.

My entire life I've infrequently had very minor headaches. I'd pop a few Excedrine and off it went. I knew people who struggled with migraines, but I thought it was just a super bad headache that maybe caused some nausea, light, sound and scent sensitivity and would last about 24hours. At best I feel like I knew a little bit more than the average person.

But when my migraine symptoms began it wasn't with any of that. I'd have a little headache behind my forehead. Just a tiny one. My symptoms started with feeling very dizzy. I felt like I was hearing myself talking from another room when I'd speak and hearing others talk I felt very far away. That's a big problem for a therapist. I was scared and had no idea what was going on. 

I quickly became too dizzy to safely drive. My husband began taking me to work. After that I could "hang in there" till lunch time, but the symptoms just got worse. With it came the crushing fatigue. I wasn't just tired, I was completely exhausted. It felt a little bit like a horrible hangover.

The headaches began getting a bit worse, but the other symptoms increased quickly. I started to have trouble focusing, both mentally and physically. My eyes would go blurry, like I couldn't physically focus. Of course I still had my muscle issues as well. The worse my migraine symptoms became the weaker my other muscles were. Soon work was ordering me a text to type program for my files as I lacked the physical stamina to type for any length of time. But nothing helped and I became too compromised to work at all.

I had no idea what was going on. I talked to my primary care doctor, crying in his office. He sent me to a neurologist and an ear, nose throat doctor (otolaryngologist). Both of them diagnosed me with migraines right away. I kept arguing that it couldn't be migraines as my headaches "weren't that bad!" I had no idea that migraines take many shapes for different people with an enormous list of effects. I sure know that now!

Every... single... day I struggle with nightmarish symptoms.
I can't work.
Some days I can't even leave my house.
I'm proud of myself for getting out of bed, dressing and showering.
A big part of my life has been reduced to that of a small child.
I have a lot of feelings about that.

My current treatment regimen involves:
  • 32 Botox injections around my head and neck every three months.
  • Monthly Emgality injection.
  • A cocktail of Procholorperazine 5mg (for dizziness and nausea), Naratriptan 2.5mg and 2 Acetamenophin 500mg taken together as needed (but no more than three times a week).

These all help a little.
I'm still not myself though. 
Still unable to do very much.

The worse my migraines are the more exhausted I am and the weaker. It's a nasty cycle. I'm hoping something will click soon to cause a massive improvement or they will heal and go away completely. That would be wonderful!

Until then I sometimes struggle to feel my worth. It takes a lot of intention and attention to really live in the moment. Not let each one slide by in a fog. I do have a beautiful life and I don't want to miss out on any of it.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Safety First


My motto for 2021 is going to be "SAFETY FIRST." And I'm going to start by postponing my licensure exam. My Mom and I had a good talk yesterday and she pointed out that with the COVID mutation in California and me being so high risk, it might be wiser to postpone. I completely agree.

Aside from risking death by taking a four hour test in a tiny, window-less room, my migraines have been awful. I'm not talking about head pain, although that happens sometimes too. I'm talking about being very dizzy, exhausted (not just fatigued) and my eyes being unable to focus. 

Luckily I have my every three month appointment with my migraine neurologist this Friday. But I'd like to get that more under control (if I can) before taking my big test. 

So this year I will go slow (I tend to be a big rusher) and take my safety seriously. I will advocate for myself and share more openly what's going on with my body. People only know what you tell them and I tend to not tell people much. Even those closest to me. 

I will also let others help keep me safe. That's a big one! 
Safety first.
Everything else second.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Road Blocks

There are certain events in my life that feel like road blocks. Success will lead to one path and failure will lead in another direction entirely. I have such a road block in 16 days. My licensure examination. The culmination of my entire education and training will lead up to my success or failure at obtaining a piece of paper. But that piece of paper means a lot to me.

Every therapist I know has failed their licensure at least once. Most up to three times. But I have high expectations for myself. I don't want to keep shelling out $100 and putting my health at risk each time I go take that test. I want to be over and done with that part of my life for good. I hate loose threads.

So if I don't pass, I can pay money, wait three months and take it again. That's one path. Or I can decide not to take it. I wouldn't do that, but it is an option. If I do pass I'll be officially, legally licensed. FINALLY! I'm not planning on practicing clinically any time soon, but mentally and for my future it would mean a lot to me.

It would give me closure. Give me confidence. Open up more doors for me in the future and for money making opportunities. Make me feel like a success. Yes, it's important.

My world right now revolved around those 16 days.

Checking In With Myself

2025 Has been as difficult for me as 2020 emotionally. This time in 2020 the COVID pandemic was really serious. Things were shutting down an...