Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Safety First


My motto for 2021 is going to be "SAFETY FIRST." And I'm going to start by postponing my licensure exam. My Mom and I had a good talk yesterday and she pointed out that with the COVID mutation in California and me being so high risk, it might be wiser to postpone. I completely agree.

Aside from risking death by taking a four hour test in a tiny, window-less room, my migraines have been awful. I'm not talking about head pain, although that happens sometimes too. I'm talking about being very dizzy, exhausted (not just fatigued) and my eyes being unable to focus. 

Luckily I have my every three month appointment with my migraine neurologist this Friday. But I'd like to get that more under control (if I can) before taking my big test. 

So this year I will go slow (I tend to be a big rusher) and take my safety seriously. I will advocate for myself and share more openly what's going on with my body. People only know what you tell them and I tend to not tell people much. Even those closest to me. 

I will also let others help keep me safe. That's a big one! 
Safety first.
Everything else second.

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