Monday, January 4, 2021

Road Blocks

There are certain events in my life that feel like road blocks. Success will lead to one path and failure will lead in another direction entirely. I have such a road block in 16 days. My licensure examination. The culmination of my entire education and training will lead up to my success or failure at obtaining a piece of paper. But that piece of paper means a lot to me.

Every therapist I know has failed their licensure at least once. Most up to three times. But I have high expectations for myself. I don't want to keep shelling out $100 and putting my health at risk each time I go take that test. I want to be over and done with that part of my life for good. I hate loose threads.

So if I don't pass, I can pay money, wait three months and take it again. That's one path. Or I can decide not to take it. I wouldn't do that, but it is an option. If I do pass I'll be officially, legally licensed. FINALLY! I'm not planning on practicing clinically any time soon, but mentally and for my future it would mean a lot to me.

It would give me closure. Give me confidence. Open up more doors for me in the future and for money making opportunities. Make me feel like a success. Yes, it's important.

My world right now revolved around those 16 days.

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