Friday, January 28, 2022

What do I want from 2022

I love January. It feels fresh and new. Like pajamas smelling sweet and clean from the dryer. The year is ripe with potential and anything feels possible. 

I was reflecting and asking myself this morning, "What do I want out of 2022?" Sometimes I think I know what my goals are, but are they really MY goals? Or just goals that society inflicts upon me?

This year marks the third year that I've been unable to work. That feels like a long time. A big deal. Then I remind myself that working on myself IS VERY HARD WORK! It takes all of my time every day just to live. What my doctor calls "tasks of daily living." They are a challenge for me.

So here's WHAT I WANT out of 2022:

  • Continue asking questions and pushing my medical team for the best care there is.

  • Keep on keepin on with the weight loss and healthy eating. 

  • Be there as much as I can be mentally for my family and friends.

  • Carve out time for social connectedness in real life (as much as is safe to do and as much as I can do.)

  • Help Max meet his great puppy potential for a full and happy life (free of anxiety).

  • Develop the remains of our front yard garden and completely finish that project.

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