Monday, August 3, 2020

Portion Size Confusion

I looooove food. 
Food and I have been having a passionate love affair for years now. Decades really. I have no idea when food switched for me from being tasty and something I had to do to stay alive to something I live to do. I don't feel it's healthy for me and I don't want food to take up so much space in my life. Enter my plan to eat six smaller meals a day. Yes, this is for my health, but it's also a way to educate myself about food and renew my relationship with it in a hopefully healthier way.

It's only been two days since I've changed how I eat, but I've already learned a lot about myself.
  1. I have no idea how many calories are in something. My guesses are always WAY off.
  2. I like eating healthy foods.
Seriously though. I looked up a portion size, then measured or weighed out what that is for each of these foods. Would you have guessed these are one serving size?

I thought I would be starving eating so little, but when I'm eating every 2 hours I don't think my body has a chance to feel hungry. Yesterday was the first day I kept actual track and set alarms on my phone. This isn't me being obsessive, but instead trying to learn what six meals a day really feels like. It's new and I need help learning.

I prepared some easy to eat things this week for in-between meals. For other meals (like dinner) we have a weekly menu board in our kitchen. My husband also wants to eat less, so that makes it much easier!
  • Already sliced and prepared fresh veg
  • Boiled eggs
  • Salted roasted peanuts
  • Avocados
  • Cottage cheese (whole fat)
  • Fruit for dessert
Wish me luck!

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