Friday, September 6, 2019

PKA 3 Weeks In

I just finished week 3 of "Plan Kick Ass" (PKA for short) and here's what's going on with my body. 

I was able to make the connection that I will have at least one period in the day where I just hit a wall. It's literally like being unplugged. If I don't stop what I'm doing and immediately go to bed then my body rebels.

What I mean by "rebels" is my vision goes unfocussed, I see stars, see double, I feel exhausted, my body hurts and I feel physically weaker. It becomes hard to literally keep my eyes open. I have been trying out energy drinks with caffeine and vitamins to help me over this major issue and it has been helping a little. But then I accidentally found something this week that could help even more. SUGAR.

I ate some (...ok... more than "some") red licorice one day at work and I noticed that I felt a lot better in the afternoon. The following day I had 2 teaspoons of honey instead of the sugar and I noticed that it still felt better than the energy drinks that I was trying. Now I'm suspecting I might have some kind of glucose metabolizing issue or mutation? I'm going to try and do some research on it.

As anyone with a chronic illness knows, we are our own best doctors!

Speaking of, here's where things stand medically as of today.
  • My primary care doctor 100% supports PKA (I knew he would.)
  • My insurance denied my genetic testing for other mutations, but my husband is going to work on an appeal letter this weekend.
  • I'm not seeing my neurologist anymore because we hit a treatment wall after the COQ10.
  • The Baclofen has been a life saver with the muscle cramps, twitches and spasms.
  • I'm still pushing myself physically. I even started wearing my Fitbit again!
  • My husband and I are still trying to eat whole, high protein foods.
  • I'm working on reducing my portion sizes to help with weight loss.
  • I'm napping and resting every day I don't work.
  • I'm down to 3 days a week (30hrs) of work instead of 4.
  • I've been approved to work from home 1 of those 3 days. YIPPEEEEE!
I also took the stairs today at my doctor's appointment, the first time in two years. I went super slow, but I did it! Going down was MUCH easier.

Next up... current symptoms for September 2019.

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