Sunday, August 18, 2019

Plan KA Days 2&3

Plan Kick Ass is going really well. Today I condensed my plan to these 10 steps and put them on my chalkboard in my room as a reminder:

I've been enjoying a simple egg, gluten free toast, herb goat cheese (with fresh herbs) and tomato for breakfast. This morning I had it with two eggs on the side.

Free range, organic, humane, pasture eggs in a tiny bit of avocado oil.

I made it into a breakfast sandwich yesterday with some lavender sea salt on top.

This morning's variation.

We had friends over last night and put out a healthy spread. I indulged in two Ginger Ales (but no booze) and about two tablespoons of "pub cheese" (that I did not buy, but have a hard time saying no to!) Oh yeah, and I put some brown sugar on my strawberries. Other than that it was all very healthy and actually Vegan. It was also my dinner. 

Guest spread
Also a guest appearance by my Sweetie!

So the food choices are going really well. We went to the movies with a friend today and I said "GET THEE BACK SATAN" to movie popcorn and soda. Just had my water and a few raw almonds. Go me! After we went to Chipotle for lunch where I had a salad with pinto beans, grilled veg and corn salsa. No soda and a few chips. No meat, no cheese. No queso dip. GO ME!!!!


I've been pushing myself to walk a lot more. The stretching feels really good in the morning and my husband has been giving me amazing rubs that are also very helpful for my muscles. I'm trying to push myself, but also listen to my body (Rules 1 and 2.)

Tomorrow I'm going to have a morning push and do some gardening. Then relax the rest of the day and get ready for my three day work week. Wish me luck!

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