Monday, August 19, 2019

Don't make the same mistakes

This is Plan Kick Ass - Phase 3 for a reason. My body has undergone a lot of drastic changes during this last year (even not including my brain tumor.) But I also have some tendencies that I'm trying hard to watch out for this time because they did not serve me well in the past.

1) OBSESSING about food. I'm totally an all or nothing type of person (something I'm working on.) In the past I have used food tracking apps. And I don't just USE them, but I over use them. Photographing and tracking everything that goes past my lips. This is a time suck and it has never helped me keep weight off.

Wait, Did I just eat 4 almonds or 6. DAMN!

2) OVER exercising. I actually caught myself yesterday thinking "Maybe I should get a personal trainer or try CrossFit?" Whooooo girl. Reign it in! It's one thing to "gently" push myself, it's another to go too fast and cause an injury, or a well intentioned death by tire flipping. Too much too soon.

Go rest girl

3) Trying too many things all at once. This is an easy one to fall into for me. I get super motivated for change and instead of trying one new thing at a time I do 50. I already was tempted by this one after reading about food that helps with muscle strength. I also read about needing large amounts of Folic Acid and Omegas. I though "I should go get some of those and give it a try." Note, not ONE... but THOSE... meaning all at once. "If one change is good surely 50 is even better?" Maybe, but it's also a) Expensive (and I need to save money now that I'm not working as much. And b) You can't tell WHAT it is that's helping/working when you're trying so much all at the same time. 

One change at a time

Now that I'm aware of these pitfalls I hope to avoid them moving forward. I'll likely pick up some Omegas soon to go along with my "more fish" diet. But that's easy to track.

Today's physical plan is to walk my Sweet girl again then see how I feel. If I'm up to it I'll also do some gardening. Then it's rest, rest, rest.

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