Saturday, August 17, 2019

Plan KA Day 1

As I said in my previous post, I am re-committing to PLAN KICK ASS to better my health. Here's how day one went down. In the words of my husband "You crushed it!"

My lunch was high good fats and high protein. Three scrambled eggs with mushrooms, onion and peppers all served up like an open face omelet. No gluten free bread and no cheese. It was delicious and kept me feeling full fo a very long time.

Dinner was very veg heavy. My amazing husband planned, bought and made these beautiful sweet stuffed peppers. I made the brown rice and salad with tomatoes and cucumbers.

I don't have the spoons to make my own salad dressing, but this is the BEST Italian vinaigrette I've found. 

Every morning I still indulge in my wonderful cup of Java. I'm not ready to give that up yet, but I am trying to make that my only sugar for the day. I'm also cutting out cheese except for Goat because it's very low in calories, high in protein, full of good fat and Goats are treated better in my country than dairy cows. So that's just a win all around. My husband minces fresh herbs in it and OH MY! It's amazing.

My snacks have been fresh fruit and these bulk bin beauties. Raw almonds.

We were eating a name brand's "Smokehouse" almonds until I looked at the ingredients. Ack! Always look at the ingredients.

As far as pushing myself physically went, I seriously took that to heart. I walked my puppy girl by myself around the block (a really big deal for me), did about 3 loads of dishes, 5 or so loads of laundry, scrubbed out shower/tub, cleaned the bathroom and tidied up. I laid down for a bit, but honestly felt too full of energy to sleep! 

My body did really well till around 6PM. Then my muscles went into revolt. Cramps and soreness kicked up, but I expected it.

I like Friday to be my "big push" day because then I have the weekend to pull back a little bit.

So far, I'm really glad I made this change. My husband is 100% on board and being really supportive and amazing. GO PLAN KICK ASS!!!

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