Friday, August 16, 2019

Plan "Kick Ass" ROUND 3!

Medicine has taken me as far as it can go. My team of specialists are now reverting back to the general term "Myopathy" to describe my chronic, sudden muscle fatigue and symptom cluster. I've been told that "It COULD be genetic, it COULD have been cause by my brain tumor, by the Plaquenil, by the Latent Tuberculosis treatment, by my immune system..." I've been spiraling into a serious depression although keeping that "stiff upper lip" and smile on my face on the outside. Well, most of the time. 

But this morning I remembered the wise words of Hippocrates.

I've seen where endless doctors appointments, $20 co-pays to be told "Huh, that's not typical" and test after test has gotten me. Some help, some improvement, but still on a steep decline. 

I woke up this morning and told myself that I had two choices. I can put 70% of my week into fighting this and 30% into work OR I can just keep doing what I'm doing and end up using my chairs all of the time within a few months. 

Maybe I'll still need my chairs in a few months, all of the time, but isn't it worth trying something different? I literally have nothing to lose by trying.

Soooo... Here comes PLAN KICK ASS ROUND 3!!!
(Remember PKA round 1 and round 2? No? Yeah, it HAS been a while.)

  • Push myself in some physical way every day that I don't work. Do something big (like walk the dog around the block), then rest for an hour. Then do something big (like mop the kitchen) then rest for an hour. 
  • Listen to my body
  • Stretch EVERY DAY!
  • Reduce my portion size
  • No soda... ever
  • Eat fresh and chemical free as much as possible
  • Switch to 1 cup of coffee in the morning, then green tea
  • Eat more fish and veg, keep beef as a rare treat
  • Eat LOTS more veg
  • Have lots of good fats (grass fed butter, olive oil, avocados)
  • 1 caffeine power drink per day (it really does help my muscles)
  • Eat breakfast and small snacks
  • Have lunch be my biggest meal of the day
  • Take a nap every day I don't work
  • Reduce my work days from 4 to 3 (30 hours per week)
  • Look into swimming again when I feel ready
  • Ask for help, but try on my own first
  • 1,500mg CoQ10 a day
  • 20mg Baclofen a day (this has been very helpful)
  • 2,000IU of vitamin D a day
  • Stay on my Lyrica and Cymbalta

It's time to take my health and my body into MY OWN hands. Of course I'll still maintain my doctor's appointments too. I have a new geneticist that is going to do a full DNA screening on me and I'll go through with that (as long as my insurance will pay for it). But I'm not going to just keep searching for answers that science isn't ready to give me yet. It's MY body, MY health, MY mobility and I want to know that I literally tried everything that I can to help myself.

My push this morning was taking this beautiful little lady for a walk around the block with just my own two legs. I can't remember the last time I was able to do that. It was a big push, but felt great.

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