Monday, May 28, 2018

What Happened to "Plan Kick Ass?"

Plan Kick Ass (or PKA as I call it) was way-sided by the introduction of Plaquenil. I stopped taking my supplements, except for Vitamin D (because my doctor recommended that one) and I didn't have the energy to make my own juice. I did however keep up with the new "chemical free" beauty products and gave all my old stuff away to good homes. I hate waste!

View from my bed

I think today I have the energy to make some fresh juice for my 10AM snack. It's not just making the juice that's so tiring. It's washing the produce well, making the juice and cleaning everything up and putting it away. Just like going grocery shopping in itself isn't the real spoon sucker. It's driving to the store, walking all over and putting stuff in the cart, chatting with the checker (or people you run into that you know), loading up the car, driving home, putting it all away. MAN! I'm tired just from listing what about it is tiring! Well, juicing is a lot like that. There's a lot of steps involved that all = exhaustion.

My other favorite place to be.
The living room couch (complete with cozy quilt.)

So like all things in my life I've learned to modify PKA. I got the handicapped parking plaque (and I've been so thankful that I did!) I'm asking for help when I really need it. I'm letting all the little things go that I used to feel I "HAD" to do every day. I'm savoring time with my husband and doggies. And I'm trying to be more patient.

I've been finding a lot of support in books. My latest find is "How to Live Well With Chronic Pain and Illness" by Toni Bernhard. I think I found this book by just putting "chronic illness" into the search engine at my library. Actually from home, then I request a hold on a book. That way I just have to run in and grab my hold stuff. That's another modification I've made.

Even though people are all so very different, it's helpful reading someone else's experience and what has worked for them. Toni is very frank in her book about her struggles, but does so in a very hopeful/helpful voice. I'm enjoying it and plan to read her first book "How to Be Sick" next.

Alright. It's snack time and I'm off to try juicing. Wish me luck!

Plan Kick Ass As of Now:
  • Eat a little something every 2 hours.
  • Rest and nap if I feel the need.
  • Wear my compression gloves to bed at night.
  • Continue being as chemical free at possible with products.
  • Try to eat anti-inflammation foods.
  • Take Vit. D & Magnesium daily (for muscle pain.)
  • Go slow and save spoons.
  • Drink lots of water and herbal tea.
  • Be loving towards myself.

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