Saturday, June 22, 2019

All the feels

Oooooh chronic illness. You really know how to kick a girl in the butt, don't you? It has been a while since I posted because... you know... life and spoon sucking and stuff. Working 40hrs a week while struggling with my body pretty much takes 100% of my efforts daily. I'm constantly scared that I won't be able to work in the near future, but I tell myself that the only thing that would make that happen is if my voice were to be affected. Pretty much everything else I can work around. For instance, I just asked my employer for a voice to text software that will work with the programs we use.

I saw this taped to a bookshelf at a thrift store. I love little surprises like this!

I'm meeting my new neurologist this Tuesday and my husband can't come with me. I have to be a big, brave dog all on my own. I've got this! The new person is supposed to specialize in Metabolic Myopathy, so I'm hopeful. My old neurologist will also be there, so that will be helpful to have that support too.

Curious about my current symptoms? I know you are!!!

June 2019 Current Symptoms:
  • STILL can't have an orgasm (that really sucks)
  • Muscles shake after short burst of high intensity use
  • Muscle cramps and spasms randomly everywhere
  • Loss of muscle strength and energy through the day
  • Feet go into tip toe frequently when seated
  • Right lower eyelid spasm/twitch frequently
  • Pain in arches of feet unrelated to activity
  • Ptosis of both eyelids (right is worse)
  • Increase in asthma sx (4 nebulizer treatments this year and 3 rounds of Prednisone)
  • Occasional dry mouth
  • Occasional choking
  • Occasional headaches (from the COQ10?)
  • Occasional constipation unrelated to food
  • Occasional delay of urination (muscles won't relax)

Right now I'm on 2,800mg of COQ10 to try and help my Metabolic Myopathy (caused by a gene mutation.) Reading other people's experiences I feel fortunate to have been diagnosed so quickly. It didn't feel quick to me at the time, but for some people it takes years and years. 

Currently I'm trying to find other people with a COQ6 mutation who have Metabolic Myopathy. I've found one who I think does, but they're in India and English is a bit hard for them. I found another 5 who have very similar conditions that come super close and include COQ10 Deficiency. Of those five all are in a wheelchair at least as much as I am, if not more. Some have a breathing tube and feeding tube. That's a bit scary.

I'm glad I live in a time where I can hop online and get information and try to find other people on such a rare condition. In the meantime I have my husband and my family to share my feelings with and that's also very helpful. 

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