Sunday, June 2, 2019

Friends are a Necessity

I am very much an introvert. I don't like big groups of people, lots of noise or parties. I like close friends I can trust and having fun in small groups (or better yet with one or two people.) BUT I also know that humans are social animals and that sometimes nothing is healthier for you than to spend time in a group. I've also been struggling with depression lately and craving a community of others who have similar physical and health issues.

I was fortunate to be directed to a Muscular Dystrophy "Mixed Diagnosis Group" in my area that meets monthly. My husband and I went to our first meeting in May.

At the group I saw people of all ages and all abilities and all but one were using a power mobility aide. It was so refreshing to be in a room full of people who shared the challenge of mobility together. Even though I had just met all these people I felt a sense of community with them. 

I'm not that great at holding onto friends. My husband has friends who have been in his life since grade school. I on the other hand seem to go through friends like ice cream. Enjoy them when we're together but don't really miss them that much when we part. Honestly most of the time I feel like I only really have the energy for my marriage, my job, my son and my dogs (and even then some days not enough for those things.) To add another relationship on top of those already precious to me feels about as realistic as me climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro. Aka: not at all.

But checking in once a month? I can do that. Meeting up with our friends once a month or so for dinner and drinks? I can do that. Not only can I do that, but I find it meaningful and fulfilling. I enjoy other people in my life and it helps me get out of my head and body when I do engage with others. Which in turn is good for my health. So yeah... it's worth the spoons

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