Friday, September 13, 2019

Body Scare

So I got to have my first ambulance ride two nights ago. That's a check off the "bucket list of chronic illness" that I was hoping to avoid. 

Call the wambulance!

To sum up what happened was that my muscles didn't want to breathe (or forgot how?), I was incredibly dizzy, had a horrible headache right in the front of my forehead and my muscles (especially my hands) got even weaker. 

I woke up my husband around 1:30AM and tried to calmly let him know what was going on in my body this time and ask him to call an ambulance. 

Although it was my first ride in an ambulance, THIS is a familiar sight!

They ran a lot of tests, gave me some Tramadol and Benadryl through my IV and called it a night. They said I have myopathy (GASP!) and a migrane (strange) and dizzyness for an unknown reason. The meds did help though and I politely declined their offer to admit me and put me on a ventilator. I'm good for now thanks. 

The full IV also seemed to help.

It wasn't until this morning that I remembered the Manuka honey that I tried the day I had the "flair." I came home from work and told my husband that my armpits hurt (I'm sure it was my lymph nodes) and I didn't feel good. Then that night... ambulance. I later read that some people can be allergic and have a reaction to it. Duh! I think that's what happened.

It's also a good reminder for me to watch out for unpasteurized things. My immune system is very sensitive and I think I should stay away from certain things. No wonder the Benadryl the hospital gave me helped! No more Manuka honey for me, just to be on the safe side. 

So now I just say "no" to: Raw fish, Manuka honey, anything unpasteurized, gluten, processed foods, fast food or too much white sugar. 

Not a very big list, but I still struggle with the sugar and processed foods. And despite being an evil company I still miss Taco Bell BIG TIME! But as my husband reminds me "Taco Bell is not plan kick ass."

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