Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Shiny New Life

What does one do with a shiny new life?

I feel nothing like I did. I think I was mostly dead. Just barely able to do things. To engage. To have a life. I am stunned at how different I feel. And how horrid I was before. Honestly, I have no idea how I was even getting out of bed. The difference is almost incomparable to how I feel now.

Is this what a full battery feels like? A full drawer of spoons? I feel energized. Reborn.

So what comes next?

I'm still building up my strength and stamina. It is going very well. I've been walking and gardening quite a bit. Sweating hard all day every day. That's a good start.

But also coming out of this horrible nightmarish fog is my brain. My brilliant buzzing little mind. It's able to get some nutrition again and the neurons and firing once more. And I'm a little bit bored.

I had the fantastic idea today that I could volunteer in my community. Just a little bit. It would be fun, interesting and a good way to get back into the habit of working. It is a wonderful feeling knowing you can do anything you want. I love animals, so I started searching for something in my town with animals that needed volunteers.

I came up our local raptor center. I adore raptors, especially vultures. This idea excited me. I gave them a call to see if they needed volunteers. They do and now I'm signed up for a volunteer information night. I am a woman of action.

The idea of helping out there excites me. Even if it's just cleaning cages. Getting to be that close to raptors, maybe even touch or feed one has me giddy! I'm so glad I thought of it.

Needless to say I feel like my energy is strong enough to handle something small like this. My future is looking so bright, but I'm not looking away. I'm diving in.

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