Friday, September 8, 2023

"I've Got a Golden Tiiiiicket!"

Five years and four months.
314 Blog posts.

I have... (drum roll please)

LCHAD (deficiency)
Long-chain L-3 hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase

Say that ten times fast.

I'm so excited because once you know exactly what a thing is. What's wrong with me. Then it can be treated. I'm incredibly fortunate because I can treat my genetic mutation with just diet. As long as I avoid long-chain fatty acid foods, I have energy! This is incredible. I feel like Charlie Bucket who just found a golden ticket in that bar of chocolate. Except I can't eat most chocolate.

I need to avoid as much fat in my diet as possible. Except for (strangely enough) grass fed butter and all sheep and goat cheese. Those are all short-chain. Well technically the FOOD isn't a short-chain fatty acid itself, but that's what it produces in your gut. It's all very science-y and complex. Point is I can eat it. 

Celebratory mani-pedi day with my Mama

As you can imagine all my friends and family are over the moon for me. I just walked a mile and a half this morning at our local nature center with my husband. And WOW! Losing weight sure is easier when you can actually MOVE. (Who knew?)

I told my husband that I'm gobsmacked how much brain space it takes to just move around and exist in the world as a disabled person. "Can I fit through here, am I going to knock this over, will this make me too tired, will I get stuck?" I know this covers many disabilities and size differences. To have to give up sacred brain space to such basic ways of existing is awful. Or as my grandfather likes to say. "It's disgusting."

Just being able to go for a walk and not think about those things with my body is liberating. 

That's the word for it. I feel LIBERATED!
Liberate: To set free from restraint or bondage.
Yes. That's the word.

I've been eating this diet for over a month now. I'm completely off my muscle relaxer Baclofen, I was taking it three times a day. I'm eager to see how many of my medications I will no longer need, but I'm trying to take things slow. Not my nature, but I'm trying.

I'm also looking at joining a gym. There's been an issue with my mom's pool at her community and we're on the hunt for a new one. All of my new energy has to be put to good use somewhere. Meanwhile, Max is reaping all the benefits.

September 2023

September 2022

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