Tuesday, September 26, 2023

A Second Teenage-hood

Remembering back to when I was a teenager, this time in my life doesn't feel all that different. I'm not talking about the pimples and stress. But the discovery phase of everything feeling new and exciting. Who do I want to be? What do I want to look like? What are my tastes? What tools do I need for the life I want and for who I am NOW?

The person I was two months ago could not be any different from the person I am today. I am full of energy and ready for an adventure at all times. Strangely enough, my style has also changed.

I shaved my head yesterday. #3 all over. I love it.
Going back to my natural color.

I've always been incredibly organized, but now I feel I'm even more so. The tingling of modernism aesthetics is pulling at my maximalist style. The "bohemian a la mode" that I've loved for so long is going by the wayside to be replaced by Ikea cleanliness. White is my new favorite color for my house (it was orange and teal.) I find myself wanting to purge most of my belongings and start over fresh.

My local Goodwill must be thrilled with all the donations they've been getting from me. Including my BiPap and Cough Assist machines. I have my old blue electric wheelchair up for sale on Ebay, but may just end up donating that as well. I'm keeping my new chair and the wheelchair van for now. 

I'm humored that I most needed to buy good walking shoes along with more bras. I stopped wearing bras 99% of the time when I was so sick because they took way too much energy to take on and off. Then obviously my shoes didn't matter much since I used my chair any time I left the house. Now I need a lot of support for the weaker muscles in my feet. And I actually want to wear a bra. I'm enjoying having this time to explore. It is a real luxury.

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