Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Face It

My skin has been a hot mess lately. Huge pores, blackheads, pimples, you name it. I don't know if it's stress, a gift for "welcome to 50!" or hormones, but it has got to go. I have been feeling like I'm fighting a losing battle with my face.

I was looking online last night at some "good" store bought remedies. Not only did they cost a fortune, but they were full of chemicals. Even the "natural" ones. So after researching some of the ingredients that were helpful for acne I decided to make my own. "Hell! I own French lavender, aloe vera and rosemary bushes!" 

Here's the recipe I'm trying out. I invented it all on my own.

Compound (I put all this in a pot)

1 big bowl fresh French lavender heads (about 4 cups)

2 small springs rosemary

1 very large aloe leaf, split and de-goo'ed

2 tbsp coconut oil

2 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp apricot seed oil

2 tbsp castor oil

2 cups distilled water


Bring mixture to a boil

Boil for 5 min

Lid and bring down to a simmer

Prepare small jars (1 cup), one for each treatment. Write on the lids what each one is, or label...


1 tbsp Pure Castille Soap

4 drops tea tree oil (natural disinfectant, good for acne)



1/2 tsp rubbing alcohol (as a preservative)



4 tbsp European Clay

1/2 tsp rubbing alcohol (as a preservative)


Simmer for a full hour

Strain (Press down to get all the oils and aloe from the pulp)

Add mixture to each jar evenly

Yields 3 cups

Bonus: Drink your water and listen to music while you wait.

Super Extra Bonus: While waiting put full fat whole organic yogurt on face. (share leftovers with your dog/cat.) Let stay till firm. Wash off and pat dry. Smear pure coconut oil on your hair and scalp. Cover with a kerchief or shower cap and let sit till you're done with your project. Wash off with shampoo and massage your scalp with warm water. Follow up with an apple cider vinegar/water rinse for the ultra treatment!

Why was my main ingredient lavender? Because it's a natural anti-inflammatory that's good for treating acne. It is also a natural calmer and can speed up the healing process.

Olive Oil: Has a similar lipid makeup to our natural skin. Helps with cellular regeneration.

Castor Oil: Anti-inflammatory, anti-microbal, immune system support. Great for acne.

Coconut Oil: Calms red skin, moisturizes and is easily absorbed by the skin.

Apricot Oil: Helps immune system like lavender. It's high in vitamin C and E so it works to fight acne and smooth my skin.

All oils help the skin retain moisture, my skin runs on the dry side so I need it.

European Clay: Is a favorite of mine. It naturally draws out impurities from the skin and gives the appearance of smaller pores. It works a lot like activated charcoal without the mess.

Aloe: Non-irritating and great for all skin. Healing properties. Moisturizing and anti-inflammation elements. 

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