Tuesday, May 4, 2021

What Comes Next?

Almost a month has gone by since my last post. Many things have changed and much has stayed the same.

I passed my licensure and am now a fully certified Psychotherapist. That's very exciting news. I passed on my first try despite the heat, a mask and a migraine. I felt and still feel a huge tidal wave of pride at that accomplishment. It also marks with a big period an enormous part of my life. Endless schooling, three degrees, 3,000 hours of practice, studying for millions of hours and now a framed certificate on my wall publicly declaring that "I DID IT!" 

What comes next?

That's the part that has changed very little.

I still can't function at all without my Botox shots for migraine every 3 months. Though by the end of month 2 it starts to wear off and then I'm a mess once more. Dizziness increases, pain, sound and light sensitivity, seeing things that aren't there, my memory gets even worse (which is really saying something!) You get the general idea.

Then there's the pain. The pain in my body is constant. I rarely take anything for it because I feel pain is the communicator. Sometimes that communicator is broken (like my migraines). But sometimes it's a valid message. I don't want to shut down that relay with my body just yet. 

But the number one ruler of my life is fatigue. When I become exhausted all systems stop. My memory, focus, ability to talk easily, train of thought, muscle strength, all go out the window. This happens daily, usually around 12-3PM. I rest and sleep and feel better when I get up. If I don't rest and sleep it gets worse till my muscles start to shake and spasm and I get cold sweats. 

When people say to me "Now that you have your license you can start seeing clients again!" I cringe. They have no concept of what goes on in my body. In their defense I also "fake normal" really well. "You can just see a few online" the friendly person might say. But that involves the ability to be there for the person 100% and many hours of record keeping, preparation, etc... I'm not just a face on a monitor. 

Therapy is out. 

So what comes next?

I'm essentially taking some time off to mull that over. I'm vaccinated and enjoying being social a little bit again. I'm looking forward to taking a few small road trips. You know... cutting myself a break!

For the future I'm considering a few ideas. Writing a mental health book is the first thing that comes to mind. Both an interventions book for clinicians and one for consumers. I like the idea of writing because I can do it anytime I feel up to it.

Right now I'm swimming often at my mother's pool. Trying to work out my CPAP machine. Attending appointments at my muscle clinic, my migraine neurologist and my regular doctor. Spending time gardening (when my body allows it), cooking (see previous comment) and hanging out with my ever-fun family.

We'll see what comes next.

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