Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Bright Side

I was thinking the other day about all the things I do now that I wouldn't be able to do if I were working full time. I came up with quite a comprehensive list. I found it incredibly helpful for my mental health to do this. I still miss working and all that came with it. The identity, the respect, contributing financially to my family, helping my community in a meaningful way...

It's one thing to have my family tell me how helpful and useful I am even though I can't work right now. But it's completely different to work through those feelings on my own.

Now I have time to:

  • Fight for my medical supplies (my wheelchair, CPAP machine, etc.) This always takes a ton of time and was incredibly hard to do while working full time.
  • Attend needed medical appointments and therapies.
  • Spend more time in nature. 

  • Create things and express my creative side. 
  • Process the loss of my partial mobility. Mentally and emotionally.
  • Be there to help my son. 
  • Spend time getting to know my mother and who she is right now.
  • Investing time and spoons into our home and garden. 
  • Spend more time with my puppy and enjoy her last days with her. 
  • Be available 100% for my husband. Hearing about his work and being more a part of his day.
  • Being able to invest more time on my body and health. 

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