Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Botox Trial Begins

Yesterday was my first round of 32 shots to see if it will help my migraine symptoms. Specifically I'm hoping to get relief from my constant dizziness, fatigue and headaches. The shots were all around the crown of my head and two in each shoulder. They stung a bit, but it wasn't awful (though I also have many tattoos.)
I was very concerned about the potential side effects listed on the Botox site, but my neurologist is a migraine specialist and does these all the time. She assured me that they have to list every side effect for every use, not just for migraines. The side effects sound scary... but I'm not having the shots in my chest so I should be fine. So far (24hrs later) I've had a headache, minor soreness, tenderness and stinging. 

No washing your hair or rubbing your head for 24hrs, then when you do wash, do it gently. I made the mistake of towel drying my hair after. Ouch! Don't do that next time. Lesson learned.

My doctor said it could work as fast as one week, or take as long as six months. I will go back in three months to do the whole thing all over again. 

I told my husband on the way home yesterday that I really admire my optimistic nature. Even after everything I've been through and only about 15% of things I try helping, I remain hopeful. Hopeful enough to get 32 pokes in the head, cross my fingers and wish it will help.

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