Tuesday, September 29, 2020


What is the difference between surviving and thriving? 

I asked myself today "Am I going day to day surviving? Or am I thriving?" The answer is complicated.

First I turned to the all knowing oracle of our times. Google. I think it's fun to ask deep questions and see what pops up. Much like a Magic 8 Ball. "Oooooooh all knowing Google. What lies at the depths of this question..." (((SHAKE SHAKE)))

Surprisingly Google had a good answer. Or make that Empowerwomen.org had a good answer. Although one I don't 100% agree with. "Surviving is doing what is necessary to live." I agree with that part. "A thriving mindset is defined by continually challenging oneself." I'm not sure about that.

To me personally the big difference isn't in challenging myself, but in growth. Surviving is making it from one day to the next intact. I for sure have my survival days. I know I'm not alone. I think of all the people across the world who are simply surviving right now.

However, Like Viktor Frankl I believe it is possible to thrive in any condition, no matter how hard, oppressive and awful. Most days I feel like I am thriving. I'm continually attempting to better myself. Better my health, my mind, my attitude, my relationships with loved ones, my body, my home... Thriving to me personally is a continual growing process into a better and better Antoinette. 

A kinder me who is as healthy as I can be, softer with my words, respectful of others, spending my time on important things, giving people (and pooches) my love, actively listening to others... all of these are things that make me feel like I thrive.

It doesn't have to be travel or a paycheck. I don't have to save lives or run a marathon. I just have to do my best and be my best. I am growing, flourishing, expanding into my own human potential. And I feel like most days I am thriving.

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