Saturday, August 8, 2020

This is Hard!

 Here's how things stand on me trying to change my eating habits for the better.

  1. This shit is REALLY hard!
  2. I apparently don't eat enough protein
  3. If I ate as much protein as I "should" I would never poop again
  4. I'm still eating too large of a dinner
  5. I hate thinking about this as much as I am
  6. I'm glad I'm tracking with an app because how I think I eat and how I really eat are so far apart you could steer a cattle drive through it (Mmmm... running burgers...)

Here's some of the evidence that my eating isn't consistent even though I think that it is. These are screen grabs from My Fitness Pal, the app that I'm using (no affiliation). 

See! What the hell!? I knew that dinner was my largest meal (typically), but come on!

Ok... so I also have the awareness to know that it has only been a week and that most people suck when trying something new. Apparently eating like this is a skill and like any skill it will take a lot of time and practice to master this.

Now if you'll excuse me I must take a laxative and eat a boiled egg.

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