Saturday, March 14, 2020

Remember How to Play

Why so serious?

My son told me last night that he's taking a break from Facebook for his mental health. I applaud that level of self care. Another important thing to remember with all the stress people are under right now is how to play. Your inner child needs to be fed more than just ice cream and Taco Bell. They need to play. YOU need to play.

When was the last time you played?
Do you remember how to do it?

Play is vital to keeping your mood up, interacting with other people in positive ways and helpful for your relationships! Here's some ways that my family and I play. 

Go for a nature walk and touch everything.

Go to an art supply store and buy whatever looks fun. Even if you've never used it before. Make yourself an art basket and keep it out where you can see it. 

Do some doodles.

Take pictures of yourself making funny faces. You DO remember how to make a funny face... right?

Go to a thrift store and "rescue" a stuffed animal. Or better yet, find one in a dumpster! Take it to a public laundromat and clean it all up. Give it a second home and a new life.

Paint your toes the color of the rainbow and find some shoes that look like muppets. 

Make funny faces with your pet and take pictures. Or just rub and nuzzle on them.

Buy yourself a tiara. Because everything is better when you're the boss!

Stop and smell EVERY single freaking flower you come across. Even if it's just at the store.

Go look at some art. 

Blow some bubbles, or a pinwheel.

Do a puzzle. Especially with someone else.

Paint a picture of your pet (even if you think you're not any good).

Other ideas:
  • Sing your favorite song really loud
  • Make yourself cupcakes
  • Go outside and play in the mud
  • Make a fairy house out of stuff you find
  • Start a new hobby (like air plants or Yoga)
  • Taste something you've never had
  • Have a pillow fight with your partner
  • Try a new musical instrument
  • Buy some sidewalk chalk and decorate your street
  • Make a nature crown for your head
  • Look for interesting bugs
  • Learn to juggle tissues
  • Teach yourself tarot or runes
  • Make a big batch of something delicious and share it
  • Dig out your old video games and have a retro game party (ditto for board games)

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