Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Staying Healthy!

As of yesterday my town is on lockdown. No one can leave the house except for emergencies or necessity like picking up medication or food. For the last week I've been ramping up my cleaning and trying to keep my family and myself healthy and safe.

Here's some things I'm doing.

We've all been ramping up our vitamin C intake and eating healthy, balanced meals. This was my breakfast this morning. Slow cooked organic oatmeal sweetened with dates, cinnamon and nutmeg. Mmmmm! We've been having some rain and cold so this warm bowl hit the spot.

I'm also very lucky to have access to good produce. Honeycrisp apples are my favorite and my husband makes sure we always have some in the house.

I made a "cleaning bin" that I have out in our living room. This has the last of my Clorox wipes, spray disinfectant, paper towels, rubber gloves and a spray bottle with 4tbsp bleach and the rest is distilled water (for spray disinfection). Anyone coming or going can find what they need in this bin.

After doing a LOT of research on what will kill the Coronavirus I found that just pure household Hydrogen Peroxide does a great job. I got 2 giant bottles of it at our Costco for $2, then bought spray bottles at the Dollar Store. This whole bottle was about $2 and will last a verrrrrrrry long time. Thinking outside of the box will help my whole family stay health!

This is my son's work area. He's staying healthy by taking his daily medications, taking hand sanitizer out with him and using it after washing hands when out. These lens wipes (also from Costco) have alcohol and are a disinfectant as well. 

We're all wiping our phones and computers down daily. I wipe down our counters, door nobs, fridge handle and other highly used things in the house daily. 

We're also sharing what we have with others. My son was letting friends use his hand sanitizer and I left an individually wrapped wet wipe out for our postal worker. 

I love to see the community coming together and helping each other. Crisis can either bring out the best in people, or the worst. So far I'm seeing the best in people.

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