Saturday, December 7, 2019

What I'm Into Lately

Rather than go on about my symptoms right now (many) or how I'm feeling (shitty) I thought it would be fun to talk about things that I'm into right now. New things. Things that keep me going and fill me with joy.

  1. Puzzles: My husband and I started doing this last December and have been going strong all year. I can manage it sitting and focusing on such a small thing is really doable for me. I can also do it as long or as short as I want.
  2. Records: I bought myself a record player after wanting one all year. I still have zero records though. Hahah! But I really like the idea of listening to records instead of watching TV.

    My new record player - minus the record. 
  3. Socks: Fun socks just make me smile. My recent acquisitions include Wonder Woman and Grover. I have a rainbow striped pair that I call "my happy socks" that never fail to cheer me up instantly.
  4. Pajamas: All things soft and snuggly. I'm embracing my comfort needs with clothes that feel like blankets.
  5. Blankets: Can't have enough of them. Seriously. Never enough soft blankets of all sizes and colors.
  6. Wood Burning: I bought a simple wood burning kit to try. I thought I could make cool, cheap Christmas gifts with them. We'll see if I ever get enough spoons to be able to give it an actual try, but I'm hopeful!
  7. Acrylic Painting: I used to paint a lot and was quite good at it. I have a painting in mind that I want to do and a great canvas. Now I just need the spoons.
  8. Redecorating: Putting up Christmas decorations makes me very happy.

  9. Family Pictures: I've been updating my family pictures. I have one wall of just myself, my husband and our son, then a hallway full of family photos. I enjoy keeping them up to date. They help me remember all the fun we have and the people who care about me.

    Play it grandpa!
  10. Re-Arranging My House: This has been a big one lately. My bedroom was pretty sparse compared to the rest of my house, despite my spending a lot of time in it. I also had another room all set up for work and getting ready for work. Both were seriously depressing me. I turned my "work" room into more of a library and we've been fixing up our bedroom so that it's useful AND fun. Both of these things have been hugely helping me transition from working to being home. I need my environment to reflect my needs or I get very depressed.
Now I just need to save my fun money to get some records to play! I'm looking forward to it.

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