Saturday, December 7, 2019


I hate that question that the nurse always asks at every doctors appointment. "Are you having any pain today? Where? On a scale of 1-10 how bad is it?"

Pain is subjective, personal and really hard to measure. I'm always in pain, everywhere. I can't remember a time in my life when my back didn't hurt. My best friend growing up knew this and would rub my back when I asked her to (the sign of a TRUE friend.)

A real friend has your back... Literally

I take Cymbalta 60mg every night for joint and muscle pain. It helps tremendously. I also take Lyrica twice daily for neuropathic pain. That also has been a life saver. Occasionally I'll take Acetaminophen if the pain gets too bad. Ibuprophen is supposed to help with inflammation, but I haven't found it to be useful for my pain. I'm not interested in taking anything else for pain management medically due to the risky side effects and dependence.

Pain has always been a part of my life but I'm not ruled by it. I find new symptoms much more disturbing and disruptive. Like the chronic dizziness, lack of stamina, weakness, etc... 

I long for the day when we can all just be scanned and have a report come out saying exactly what's wrong with us. Then a machine will pop out one pill that you take a day that will fix everything. I mean they did it in Star Trek! Why isn't that a thing yet!?

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