Tuesday, October 15, 2024

My Hindsight Is 20/20

When I first started this blog six years ago I was terrified. I felt like my whole body was failing on many levels all of a sudden and I didn't know why. Feeling like I had no control over what my body was doing was very scary. 

Looking back I can see little threads of struggles all through my life.

I was a very tired kid. I had serious sleeping disorders. Nocturnal panic attacks, sleep walking and talking. I fell asleep at school frequently only to be woken up by an annoyed teacher. I always had "growing pains" in my legs where my legs would just ache for no reason. My mom even took me to the pediatrician for pain in my legs. I remember it being dismissed as "growing pains" (which are not a "thing" anymore thank God.)

My back hurt almost all the time. When I would be roller-skating with my best friend (a favorite activity of mine) I would need to take breaks and she would rub my back for me. It was one of those things you don't know is abnormal because it's all you've ever known. Looking back now I see red flag after red flag that I had some kind of health issues happening.

As I grew so did my strange health symptoms. I had endometriosis so severe that I had five laparoscopic procedures to remove abnormal tissue by knife and laser. It grew on my bowels, bladder, intestines, uterus, ovaries, pretty much everywhere it wasn't supposed to be, causing me incredible amounts of pain. Now we know so much more about it and what a serious disease it is for women. But back then the male ER doctor just smirked at me insisting I had an abortion when I wasn't even sexually active. 

My thyroid failed, then my gallbladder. I had mysterious Fatty Liver Disease and just felt tired and drained all the time. I struggled to live a normal life and work 9-5. My physical stamina was never the best.

My one child was diagnosed with Autism very young. Researchers now know that women with autoimmune diseases are much more likely to have Autistic children. 

I had many moments before any official diagnosis or my brain tumor where I just felt like "I can't do this anymore. I can't go to this (class, job, meeting, coffee...) I'm just too exhausted." I'm not sure that's actually normal.

This was all before the TB. Before the craniotomy. Before I needed any mobility device. So was this just a sneaky genetic malfunction that has always been with me? Or did my propensity to health challenges hurtle me down a spiral of worsening issues? It's interesting to look back and follow the threads. Regardless of the causes, to me it looks like one massive web.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Exciting Few Months

My life has been changing rapidly over the last months. Not leaving me much time for blogging. Fortunately for me all of the change has been good.

I HAVE A NEW FAMILY (more family? My family grew!)
I found out months ago that my birth father passed away in 2021. I learned this on Facebook. I would do occasional Google searches of his name just to see what he and my two half sisters were up to. We had no contact at all for over 24 years now. I Googled him and found a remembrance post by one of my sisters. I was very surprised as he wasn't that old.

I sent her a message even though we weren't "friends." I knew it was a big shot in the dark, but I was curious how he died and if it was something I should know about (like cancer or heart disease.) I said I was sorry to read that he passed. I knew they were close (by his pictures.) I asked how he passed. I said that even though I only met her and her sister once when they were very little, I always thought about them. I gave her my contact information and said it was ok if she wanted to reach out. More than ok really.

Then shock of all shocks. About two months later I get a message back from her. She apologized for it taking so long and said I ended up in some strange folder (just like I thought I might.) She said she and her sister have been looking for me and missing me their whole lives. She said our father would talk about me and had some pictures around of me, so they always knew I was their sister. They just didn't know why I wasn't in their lives. She said no one would talk about it. I'm hopeful he was ashamed of rejecting me. She said they would love to meet me if I was ok with that.

I was so excited and hopeful. But trying not to get my hopes up too much. I wanted to be a part of their lives and learn everything about them. I hungrily sought out pictures of them. Much to my surprise I look like a perfect mix between them. We met a few weeks after that. Just the three of us. John dropped me off so I wouldn't have to worry about driving. What a guy. The three of us bonded quickly. I had John take some pictures of us together. 

They are both partnered up. My youngest sister has a 10 month old baby boy. My middle sister has four children. Three boys and one girl ages 3-8yrs. I instantly became an aunt to five more kids. WOW! I can't wait to meet them all. That was delayed a bit because...

We went to Hawaii for our 30th wedding anniversary.

We just returned a few days ago. We had a magical time. We both agreed it was our best vacation ever. The ocean is just amazing there. There's nothing like it in California. The waters are tropical blue and so clear. You just stick your face in the water and there are mobs of colorful fish.

My fantastic mother watched the puppies for us and did an amazing job. They were so happy and well cared for. I couldn't have done better myself. I was able to completely relax and have full peace of mind while away knowing she was there for them. They were her full time job.

(We don't want you home Mom! We're being spoiled.)

I was able to enjoy vacation even more because...

I found a new supplement that is actually helping with my energy levels. Finally. Someone in my Adults With Mito online support group recommended it to me. I decided to give it a try and it works amazingly well.

It's called NR Nicotinamide Riboside. It's an "NAD+ Precursor." It's a member of the Vitamin B3 family. I take 300mg (1 pill) first thing in the morning. I was taking more but it was working too well and giving me insomnia. I get it through a company called Genex Formulas. At $38.14 a bottle of 60 pills it is well worth it. 

New family, new energy, new memories and 30 years of marriage. I could not be happier.

My Hindsight Is 20/20

When I first started this blog six years ago I was terrified. I felt like my whole body was failing on many levels all of a sudden and I did...