Monday, April 17, 2023

Medical Catchup

It has been a while since I updated what's been going on medically. So here's the skinny...

My leg is feeling much better. It feels like it was maybe inflammation that pinched a nerve or something and just took a long time to heal. My MRI came back fine and neither the sports doctor nor the rheumatologist could find a cause for my extreme sudden pain. BUT...

The rheumatologist wanted to rule out some autoimmune disease possibly going on. He ran some labs. The results were interesting. So far it didn't flag for anything specific. But it did show up positive for many different things. I have a message in to him to see if we're doing more testing, or if that's the end of it.

Is this English?
Gotta love lab results.

I've actually been feeling better energy wise and have been trying to push myself daily physically. I'm sore all the time, but I feel good about stretching my body in what I can do.

I went through two treatments of dry needling. It did help my neck and shoulders. Only during the last few days have I been having pain there again. It's almost like intense acupuncture. It lasts a lot longer than that for me and I get goldfish crackers after. I'm not sure it's worth the discomfort of the process though. 

I'm still getting my Botox for migraines every three months. However I changed my monthly injections from Amivog to Ajovy. Ajovy is supposed to be just as effective without the constipation side effects. I've only had one dose so far. But I'd have to say it works just as well as Amivog, maybe even a little bit better.

Thank goodness all the rain is done. That change in barometric pressure all the time was incredibly hard on my head. I can actually feel sharp pain where my head plates are when the weather shifts. It's not a fun experience.

The pool is back open and my mom and I had our first swim last Saturday. I love the water so much. I feel like I can do anything in it. It's so supportive. Getting out is a monster though. I feel triple my weight. I just try and go really fast. That helps.

After recently topping 293.7lbs I pumped the breaks on my eating. My all time heaviest is 297 and I got concerned being so close to it. I can feel the difference in my body a lot if I get over 280. An adult male gorilla weighs 300lbs. That's pretty big for a Vegan. And a little too close to my size for comfort. 

Yum Easter candy!
What's life without treats now and then?

Fortunately my garden is doing well and the summer produce is ready for planting. That will help me eat more vegetables. Here's my latest haul of broccolini, purple broccoli, sugar snap peas and chives.

I also have my beautiful back patio to spend time in. It has been fantastic to eat out there while the weather is springtime cool and breezy. This Friday we're doing a family dinner and breaking in the Hibachi for the first time. I'm very much looking forward to it.

Symptom wise I'm feeling the best I have felt in a very long time. My sinus infection cleared up. My leg pain is down from an 8 to a 2. My energy is the best it has been since I can remember. And it's springtime. I'm taking each day as it comes and living my best life.

Max does his part to help.

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