Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Let's Leg It

My skin is doing much better. I feel very proud to have made something that helped it myself. I'm also feeling more confident and more "myself" since coloring my hair. But there's been something else going on that I haven't talked about. Leg troubles. I want to document it for myself here before I forget the details. 

In the last week of December (almost 3 months now) I woke up one day with what felt like a horrible shin splint in my right shin. It honestly felt like I had been running all night in my sleep. No injury. No trauma. It just was there. 

I tried resting it, icing it, putting a brace on it, keeping off it as much as I could. And every time I would think it was getting better I would get a sharp stabbing pain behind my kneecap and the process would start all over again. The shin splint pain changed to a radiating pain from behind my knee down to my ankle (and lately to my foot and toes.)

This cycle went on for about six weeks before I finally caved and wheeled myself to the doctor's. Sadly I couldn't get in with my usual doctor and even though the one I saw was very kind, she's not my doctor. I had x-rays done, an ultrasound and was scheduled for an MRI that's still three weeks out. 

Keeping off my leg as much as I can

But... my pain has been so intense that I messaged my regular doctor about it. He just saw me Monday. He was concerned and ordered labs and for me to see a sports doctor friend of his who knows leg anatomy like the back of his hand. Get it? Anatomy humor for you.

My labs came back mostly normal, but three indicated inflammation markers that concerned him. I had also shared with him that my immune system has been particularly off lately. Along with my complexion going to hell I've been getting hives off and on and red spots in different places. I'm managing it by taking anti-histamines and using topical hydrocortisone cream. My doctor thinks this might be connected to my knee.

The sports medicine doctor got me in to see him the very next day. He was a wonderful man who took his time with me. He examined me and agreed with my doctor that it is likely something autoimmune happening. He suggested I get a referral to see a rheumatologist. 

He explained that my leg pain sounds like it was muscular to begin with, but turned neurological over time. He expects it will go away on its own (which was a big relief to hear.) He suggested some CBD ointment. And if that doesn't help some CBD/THC ointment or/and tincture.

I appreciate how out of the box a lot of doctors think now and aren't just stuck on prescriptions. Even though he admitted I'm already taking everything he would recommend.

So that's where we are right now. My doctor suggested I take 650mg of Tylenol for Arthritis 3x a day along with Diclofenac 3x a day. (I use my prescription Diclofenac/Voltaren along with Penetrex 3x a day.) I just ordered some CBD lotion to try.

Next steps are waiting to hear back from my doctor and attending my MRI on April 4th. The thought of seeing a rheumatologist again makes me nauseous. The last time was when this all started with a bang. Sudden muscle weakness in my legs and me sobbing in the hospital parking lot. It will be hard for me to forget all of that and move forward. But pain is a good motivator!

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