Thursday, May 7, 2020

Food! Bon Appetite! Get Yo Grub On!

My husband and I are trying to stick more to a Mediterranean style of eating. Heavy on the seafood and veggie, light on the sugar and carbs. Our doctor whole heartedly encourages this and also recommended low salt. Although I don't really want to live forever, I would be happy with less pain, less inflammation and a little less body bulk to heave around. 

I went to our local Trader Joe's with my Mama on Monday. It was the first time I'd been since the quarantine. It felt really good to be able to pick out food for my family myself. That's something I had really been missing.

Here's a small sampling of what we've been enjoying.

Kale and broccoli salad on the left with hot sauce. I learned hot sauce takes away the overly "earthy" flavor that can come from kale. Then some soybean noodles (shockingly good!) with sautéed onions and a little mozzarella cheese. 

Top left is Huli Huli chicken with brown rice. My husband cut it up for me. We had it with a spring mix salad. Top right is the same kale broccoli slaw with my favorite fish - smoked trout! My puppy enjoys the skins too. Bottom left is brown rice with sautéed onions and eggs. I adore eggs and can eat them daily! I had that with avocado and a Honeycrisp apple.

My husband sweetly peels and slices apples for me and knows I like to have them with dinner. Honeycrisp is my favorite. High protein high fat works best for my body. Hence the egg and avocado. Springing for good eggs makes me feel good ethically and it also tastes much better than factory eggs. 

You can see it's not super complicated or expensive. We've been picking up restaurant food once a week both to support our local businesses, but also to give ourselves a break from cooking. Then my Mama also likes to feed us once a week or so. Though I tend to have coffee and lunch with her multiple days a week as well. 

Food is the center of our social world and I'm no different. In fact, food is quite important to me emotionally. It's something I'm constantly working on. 

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