Friday, May 11, 2018


I feel like the combination of where I live and the field I'm in has left me saturated in two words... "Self Care." It's used in marketing constantly and it usually goes hand-in-hand with "spend money on yourself." 

Instead I think of self-attention to be healing moments. Giving myself the time I need and attention I crave to heal. Healing is different than "cure" of course. Healing to me is sacred time to sooth your soul and body. It never fails to leave me uplifted.

Here are some things I've been doing lately to aide in my healing:
  • Using my spoons to make homemade gluten free pizza for dinner. Anytime I want. (Here's my favorite crust.
  • Taking naps as often as I can (till I'm working again of course.)
  • Noticing little things like flowers and fluffy bees.
  • Literally taking time to smell the roses.
  • Petting my dogs every morning first thing when I get up.
  • Watching movies that I love like Moonstruck and You've Got Mail.
  • Painting my nails (because I feel like the days I can do this for myself are numbered. AND it makes me smile to have colorful fingers.)
  • Blogging and writing in my journal.
  • Doing little doodles about how I'm feeling at that moment.
  • When my husband reads me a story or rubs my back (or holds my hand, or gazes at me, or...) 

MMmmm... PIZZA!!!

My adorable puppies.
How could I NOT spend as much time as possible giving them pets?

I'm noticing what all of these things have in common (with the exception of my husband) is that they don't include other people. I'm a major introvert and get my spoons from being alone or with my beloved. NOT from being out in the world with other people. 

Figuring out what gives you spoons and indulging in those activities while trying to minimize what takes your spoons is vital. At least for me. And colorful nails. That's vital too.

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