Monday, December 30, 2024

Are you a mini or a maxi?

I've been a massive maximalist most of my life. But deep down inside has always been a minimalist dying to come out.

I'm a maximalist in all ways. Spending, decorating, buying clothes for my dogs, eating, loving people. It's very easy for me to go way over the top in all areas of my life. My husband will ask me if I want something now, or later? Both is always my answer. Did I want to go on a trip for our 30th anniversary or get a nice piece of jewelry? Both of course. Would I like the appetizer or dessert? Uhhhh BOTH!

See the pattern? 

Restraint, budgeting, minimalism, living withing my means, decorating within the boarders of my walls... nope. Big no to all of that.

I'm an expert money spender!

2025 is knocking. It's the perfect time for reflection and change.

1 - I want to be much less of a consumer. Both with my wallet and my mouth.

2- I want to de-clutter my environment. Donations and Ebay selling are the best way to purge.

3- I want to be more on top of my finances. As long as I'm not working (and I don't think that's changing soon) I feel I need to be more responsible about my budget.

4- Be out in nature more. 

5- Be more active with the dogs & take them out with me more. That always takes a ton of spoons, but I feel it is very worth it.

I also want to embrace new ways to self sooth that don't involve hurting myself (by over-eating or by over-spending.)

WHEW! That's a big list. Notice how "weight loss" isn't there?
When I put pressure on myself by turning my focus on that, I fail. I'm tired of failing, so I'm not making it a goal right now. My hope is by trying to do a better job of taking care of myself and simplifying my surroundings, other things will fall into place.

Happy New Year.
I wish nothing but amazing things for us in 2025.

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