Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Meal Planning Follow-Up

There were some good things and some not so good things that went down the week I did meal planning. 

I enjoyed the oatmeal that I made. The protein powder gave it a fake sweetener taste that I did not enjoy however. I don't know why they flavor them with fake stuff like that. Next time I'll just stick to walnut and almond butter as the protein source. 

The lunches were good, but I did tire of them. I confess to not eating one EVERY DAY like I had planned.

I did feel more regulated when it came time to dinner. I wasn't wolfing it down like I usually do.

I still ate high calorie foods on the weekend. Drat. 

It took a ton of time out of my weekend.

I didn't have time to do it this past weekend. We were camping (my first time ever) and I had to recuperate.

I would do it again, but I would change a few things. I would make two different dishes for lunch and alternate. Or the same dish, but a little bit different. Like one vegetarian version and one regular. 

It was helpful to just grab and eat. To not have to think about what I wanted, get overwhelmed and not eat, or eat unhealthily.

My husband said it was very helpful for him to have ready lunches as well.

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