Tuesday, December 19, 2023


I had my eyes checked at the end of August and bought a pair of expensive glasses. Then a few weeks ago I needed more contact lenses, but my current prescription was feeling a tad weak. I went back to my eye doctor and he re-checked me. Within four months my eyes had changed a little for the worse. But that's not all...

I feel like I don't see quite as well as I used to when I'm driving. Especially at night. Part of mitochondrial disease is having compromised eye sight. That scares me.

I don't take any minute for granted with my muscles. Knowing that I still have mitochondrial dysfunction makes me fear a relapse. That I'll suddenly not be able to walk or use my muscles anymore.

Taking joy in my pottery with my cute new glasses

I combat these fears with fitness. Working out makes me aware of my body and its limits. I enjoy it. I miss it when I don't do it. I especially love Yoga. Which is a big surprise. I love how aware I am of my body when I do it. It has also helped me the most with my strength and flexibility. Being able to lift my arms above my head is a thrilling accomplishment and I feel I have Yoga to thank for it.

When I exercise it verifies what my body can do. What I'm capable of. Not what might happen in the future. Today I am strong and can still see. Yay!

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