Monday, December 23, 2019


Painsomnia is when you're in too much pain to sleep. I've had a nasty head cold lately (and a beauty of a cold sore) and when I'm sick my body pain level usually skyrockets. The last few nights I've been in bed trying everything I can to get to sleep. Night time cold medicine, Ibuprofen PM... nothing seems to help.

When my pain gets this bad I usually just try and distract myself into a state of ultra sleepiness by messing around on my iPhone. Pinterest is my go-to. I found myself doing some last minute Christmas shopping last night. "Design Home" is my favorite app. I've played it for years. I find it relaxing and a fun way to unwind. 

If I'm getting busy brain or feeling worried looking at animal "pins" or humor is helpful. Baby animals cure everything. 

My sweet girl is also helpful. 

I can't force sleep. She will come when she's ready. Bottom line is I'm lucky to not have to get up and go to work on only a few hours sleep. It really screws me up. If I'm up late with painsomnia I feel super dizzy and foggy headed the next day. I will also likely have a migraine. 

I'm lucky not to have this happen every night, but it does seem to happen back to back nights when it does come up. Being sick with a bug is almost always a guarantee that it will happen. It also seriously affects my mood. Bah Humbug!

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