Thursday, October 31, 2019

The importance of fun!

It's Halloween today and even though I'm not dressing up and going out I am still finding ways to have fun. If I were to dress up, this year I would go as Frida Kahlo. But not the super colorful one people usually dress as. Her more serious black mood like this:

I can relate to her disability and suffering but how she still struggled to express herself, her sexuality and her creativity. In fact, yesterday I bought two canvases and I want to get back into doing art. Any kind of art really. Just something fun to do to express myself and keep mentally active. 

Having fun and playing is a big deal in our house. We own a lot of games and many things others would consider "childish". Children's books, pinwheels, shadow puppets, Disney movies, stuffed animals, coloring books and crayons all have a happy home with us. And even though I don't use them all the time, just having them makes me smile. 

Even going to Target yesterday and picking out these bubbles to hand out to the little knee biters that will come knocking tonight was fun. I wheeled through the store picking out just the right thing. I like giving out toys instead of candy. Candy is gone in an instant, but a little something they can bring to school and share is better. 

No matter what the next day will bring I will ALWAYS find a way to have fun. (And like I suspected yesterday, I'm feeling much better today.)

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